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  1. Forward this link to vlog on a blog on a list of viral lists on to 250 of your closest friends and at least one Nigerian Prince. A day later, when you open your email, something magical will happen.

    This REALLY works!

  2. Did you get the General Message I sent you at YouTube about this 6 hours ago? Six hours….let’s see….you might get it in an hour or twelve. Won’t hurt my feelings any if you set up a new one.

  3. Yer ,I see your message Marquisdejolie although I can’t read it yet, because school likes ruining my life and blocking important websites 😛 I may register again as Tripplehelix…. I shall see tonight, that is if I remember. Arrghh, I can’t even view sanitygorsale’s video lol

  4. ‘Top Ten Virals’ by British humorist Armando Iannucci

    1 Footage of three men in Toronto dressed as rabbits, daring each other to sit on the highway and stare at the headlights of oncoming traffic.

    2 Footage of attack on Twin Towers with voice-over saying the bodies are falling out the building to form the words ‘Jews Are Behind This.’

    3 Clip of Bush bending down, re-edited to make it look like he’s standing up.

    4 A girl in New Delhi singing ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ into a hairdryer, while the sound of her parents laughing can be heard behind the camera.

    5 Local news footage of a small girl losing control of a bobsleigh and sliding into a tornado.

    6 Amateur footage of a clown having a heart-attack.

    7 Bill Gates’s sex tape.

    8 US marines in Iraq shooting at what they think is a group of insurgents only to find it was a very rare chicken.

    9 Homecam footage of two drunk 15-year-olds banging their heads off a wastepaper basket in time to the theme tune to Torchwood

    10 A priest wearing just underpants, smearing himself in butter, sticking communion wafers all over himself, rushing into his church and shouting ‘Body of Christ’ as he hurls himself at his congregation.

  5. mark, you tease, no URLs? 😉

    kevin I just registered, not sure how I even got in there.
    marquis is da man wid da qui.
    I’m going to try and send all three of you e-mail if I can spell everyone’s name correctly

  6. Cory (“Mr. Safety”). One of the most subscribed guys, and creator of the “As One” YouTube event in San Francisco. Seems I jumped the gun by announcing a NYC 7/7/7 YouTube event. So he moved his planned event on the East Coast to Australia. Remember “Alexandar and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day.”

    “I think I’ll move to Australia,” he said 3 times.

  7. I saw this video and thought how sad they are.

    I watched the youtube event video the other day and thought if i had gone to that i really wouldn’t want to meet those YT “elite” they just seem so full of their own self sh.. i mean importance, I say good riddance get to Austrialia and then the “real” event will be peopled by real people and not these plastic people who are basically screaming “look at us aren’t we cool” and then go on to use the event as their own personal PR media circus.

    Cos we didn’t mention it first we have all decided to spit out our dummies and goto the other side of the world instead, man that’s pathetic.

  8. Nalts, he’s also going to take the A listers with him… Us lil folk are so unwanted. You should start posting as if you’re the king of youtube (I know you hate it). For your next video wear a crown and hold a staff.

  9. Yeah that would be so ace, You could even have a crowning ceremony and everything and then later in the video say something about “banishing” them to Austrailia so that they may eek out new lives away from video haha.

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