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Online Video Sites: Upload Scores (and Pet Peeves)

Those of us that upload videos frequently have certainly developed a preference based on speed, convenience and “instant gratification” (ability of a site to show video soon after uploading it). Let’s review the common online video sites based on how well they facilitate uploading/posting of videos: YouTube: Used to be faster. The past few weeks I seem…

Back to School Video

It’s back to school time! You can tell by the slower commute as you simmer behind dozens of school buses. The other cue is the frantic squirrels. In the Northeast, squirrels sense “back to school” time as their last opportunity to burry nuts. This puts the rodents into a wild fit, in which they often run…

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Metacafe: Will Show Butt Crack for Food

I made $800 in a few days by simply showing the world my butt crack. Now I’ll share the secret on how you can make a decent coin for your amateur online videos (man that sounded like an infomercial introduction). Metacafe is paying $5 per 1,000 views. That’s not the best “return on view,” in…