Obama Interrupted by Kayne (viral video)
Obama is interrupted by Kayne. So simple, and yet funny. Like a good political cartoonist, sometimes a viral creator wins simply by moshing two current events. Via Viral Video chart.
Obama is interrupted by Kayne. So simple, and yet funny. Like a good political cartoonist, sometimes a viral creator wins simply by moshing two current events. Via Viral Video chart.
Not as ROFL as lemonade, but bound to bring a deep smile to your face. Watch hundreds in Roosevelt Park, NYC as they follow the instructions of a MP3 file they downloaded. It’s another ImprovEverywhere public stunt.
Online-video creators are sobering up after an intoxicated 2007, as they realize that the “road to riches” via online video is fraught with challenges. Business Week proclaimed “amateur video hour” as over in December. Crackle and other sites migrated from UGC (user-generated content) some time ago. And here are some quite recent data points that,…
I was invited to join a web studio yesterday that provides a fixed CPM or cost per 1,000 views. That means the network promises you’ll earn no more and no less per video view… many of my friends have made that choice. It forced me to examine my current CPM and consider how that might…
Thee’s a grassroots effort to save sweet Mentos from the cruelty of Diet Coke. You too can help. Visit http://www.savementosnow.com/. I’m not involved in the effort, but I made ’em a PSA when I learned about it via the Revver blog.
Editorial note: This is not for you, dear WillVideoForFood regulars. This is for your illiterate friends. You see, the unaided recall of the name “YouTube” is probably closer to the brands of Google, Amazon and eBay than the rest of the online video sites. In layman terms, that means the majority of U.S. citizens who…
It will take a while for online-video to substentially chang news and polotics, but we’re already well on our way. Have you cheked out the “highest ratid” and “most viewed” sections of YouTube.com? Its bloated with debates about polotecs, and it’s only going to grow between now and Novembre. Mike Gravel, the former Senator of…
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My sister is a class A selfish asshole.
What’s up?
I like butter.
We likes our drama down here in the piney woods too!
Obama was in town today. It was very exciting. My husband saw Air Force One take off. I watched his visit to our local community college on TV with my students; they were bored, I got chills.