Metacafe Scores “Commander-in-Chief” Producer

Variety reports of a new “strategic alliance” between Metacafe and Steven Bochco, whose credits range from “L.A. Law” and “NYPD Blue” to last season’s “Commander in Chief.”

bochco_steven.jpgVariety reports that this is “one of the first “old-guard” scripted TV producers to enter into a production alliance with a video-sharing service.” Under the deal, Bochco will create a variety of content for Metacafe, including a Bochco-branded online channel. Just look at that headshot and try to imagine negotiating that “strategic alliance.” Gotta give Metacafe CEO Arik Czerniak some credit. 

We’ve seen the TV/Internet video convergence through various technologies and partnerships. Now we’re seeing mainstream content providers distribute via relatively new online video sites who have captured audiences.

Independent producers will jump into online video with a much higher ease than networks… who will insist on “doing it themselves.”  

What does this mean for amateurs? Probably good things and bad things. More eyeballs but more competition. And better competition. Now you’ve got to be better than NYPD not Numa.

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  1. In my opinion I think there is plenty of room for both user generated and professional content. Home grown reality clips can never be produced by professionals and there content won’t compete with the 3 min clip of some guy riding 10,000 miles on his bike or his friend getting kicked in the balls. The more people that are using their PC to consume video the better. Having professional content might bring a different kind of user to the video land. So if both amateur and professional content is on a site then I would think that would only increase your chance of your “buddy getting kicked in the balls video” to be seen.

    Great post thanks for posting it.


  2. I’m not sure the point is to ONLY have Bochco’s stuff – it’s to have both. Just like there is more than one movie genre out there, and more than one type of tv show, there will be more than one kind of viral video out there.

  3. I like the vibe that pro and amateur can co-exist. Maybe the appetite to peer into other people’s home will retain.. it’s been around since pre AFV.

    Marquis- thanks for the idea. A cat lighting its fart on fire.

  4. Well I just uploaded avideo that combines clerics, beer, monk’s garb, farts and homespun east Texas wisdom on the subject of artificial spit. Let ’em top that.

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