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Funny Or Die? My YouTube Subscribers Pulled Me Out of the Crypt

funny-or-die2.jpgFunny Or Die, the website made famous by Will Ferrell’s “Landlord,” is now hosting a few of my favorite Nalts videos.

Monday, Sept. 17 Update. Thank you YouTube subscribers for responding to this video and rating up my videos. Six of my appear as “hot” on the homepage!

Now about that collaboration video with Will Ferrell… Maybe I could take him through some private tutoring on how to get a video viral (on his own- the Pearl one doesn’t count). And he could teach me to be funny.

I’ll come to you, Will. And dig up that wig and the oversized pants, sir.

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  1. I went and watched all your video’s on funny or die. I did not notice any problems with the audio like Matt did. I still think your funniest video was “balloon helicopter.” You remember, up on the roof.

  2. I voted… is the check in the mail?

    WTF… where is the fart video? Not Spencer, but the original?

  3. Nothing wrong with the audio in the ones I looked at. Is that “lay me off” one the video you pulled off of youtube because some of your coworkers got nervous? I’ve never seen it before. Funny!

  4. What’s the original fart video? Ohhh! The FART. My film. YES! Yes- Sukatra. That’s the one. I’m gonna probably have to pull it again because my old boss is gonna call me and scream at me now.

  5. You should just re-film laid off. Love this site but the views seem low; even for the stuff Will picks.

  6. Coworker, I didn’t know it was there until Nalts mentioned it, looks pretty new. Give it some time, word of mouth take a while.
    The place reminded me a bit of superdelux without all the junk. Videos loaded pretty fast too. Category sheet was also nice, helpful and manageable. The biggest complaint I have found from viewers who like to watch online videos, next to a site being blocked, is not having enough RAM to run the front page. I know I often ditch sites that take too long to load. I didn’t have that problem there, that’s a big plus!

  7. Since the sync problem seems limited to me i’m going to guess that the problem may have something to do with the Flash 9 beta.

  8. I was having all kinds of problems with my Flash Player last week and the week before, Matt. Spoke of it here. I kept downloading and downloading the Flash installer and Flash would work on my browsers a few hours then go hinky again. Finally, I got a hold of the Flash Player Uninstaller, uninstalled and THEN re-installed the player. That solved my problem.

  9. Hey! Looks like I’m going to be in a documentary (unless this is one of Kevin’s elaborate pranks). They’ve sent me the train tickets (see link). Man, I better not get to Los Angeles and find Kevin at the station videotaping me getting off the train as I read his “Fooled Ya Again” sign!

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