Why Dark on YouTube?

I’ve gone dark on YouTube for a week (July 16-22) to decompress from the NYC 777 gathering and the drama that followed (see most recent video called “Going Dark: DoMyStuff Intervention.” Since I was making a video for DoMyStuff anyway, we decided to have this cap the video.

The truth is, someone in NYC told wifeofnalts that he gained a new perspective on “his addiction” by taking 30 days off, but I figured 7 days is enough for me. If anyone know who told this to my wife, could they please punch him?
Here’s the interventionist that is helping me take one day at a time (actually GetOverNalts is a friend of ours that was visiting for the weekend). We never knew this guy could act, but I think he’s hysterical. The three videos we did were all one take, and I gave him virtually no lines. So I gave him my PureDigital Point & Shoot ($100 videocam) on the condition he continues to post.

So far I’ve only had the shakes for about 50% of the time I’ve been off. The down time is made a little easier by the recent barrage of “he’s an egomaniac” criticism (hater comments I can overlook but you know something’s up when you get about 5 voicemails from friends reading you collections of negative comments). And you know you’ve offended people when they’re going on stickam and posting the URL (in disguise via “Tiny URL”) that unsubscribes you to my YouTube videos. Oh the drama!

So I shall return with new humility, and get back to videos of my kids, running with scissors and farting with Spencer.

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  1. 1. Fuck the boringdispatcher. There’s a reason his user name has the word “boring” in it.

    2. I hope you’re not going dark on this page also because I am going to be in serious withdrawal if you do.

    3. Loved the going dark/domystuff.com video, especially the lap dance for mikma. Whoever suggested that one is a frigging comic genius.

    4. Speaking of frigging comic geniuses, getovernalts is fantastic! I’ve already subscribed to him so I hope he posts more videos.

    5. Don’t forget, if the withdrawal gets too bad you always have your dora the explorer cup. I have found that alcohol almost always makes the pain go away. Until the next morning.

  2. Hi Kevin,hows the youtube partner program going? Any word on how long its supposed to be in the trial phase? supposedly They are testing the program “to see if it works for the youtube community and for advertisers”. ANY news you could give would be appreciated,thanks

  3. whats with the dripping water in the back of the interventionist video? are you performing water torture on one of kidsofnalts or houseguestsofnalts?

  4. A few simple things to help you through any type of withdrawals:

    1. During your worst moments, just bite down on a leather wallet or your arm.

    2. Be one with the vomiting: Literally. Put the vomit on you as a reminder that you should never do this again.

    3. Read a lot of Jack Kerouac, but read it upside-down and backwards, because when going through withdrawals nothing really matters and you can’t concentrate.

  5. 1) Was that Mikma suggestion yours, Sukatra!?
    2) Steve- no clue. They really don’t tell me anything. Did hear they picked up a few more people that should have been in before me.
    3) Fish tank, Phil. Noisy, huh? That’s what happens when you don’t clean the pump.
    4) Which was more addictive, though, Marquis? Revver when we were the only two on it? Or YouTube?
    5) Jischinger- we gotta get that forum up. Do you have the passcodes? I’m lost in that bluehost dashboard. Lost. Oh that guy’s from Virginia. Funny, huh?
    6) Biggest side effect- totally sleepy 24/7.

  6. ok thanks anyway nalts.Are you able to monetize all of your youtube videos,or do they limit you to just a few? BTW,i see that you are usually in the top 15 to 20 most viewed partners(weekly),it looks like you should have been included the first time!

  7. Look at that – nalts is so jonesing for youtube that he actually responded to all the comments on this post in the vain hope it would assuage his psychic pain.

  8. A major cable was cut outside of Phoenix this morning so I was ‘dark’ for several hours, almost the whole day. Don’t know how you are managing for a whole week! Did get a lot of stuff done, but still…

  9. ajani57,my cable goes out every few days for 3 to 12 hours,which means my tv,internet and phone are all out! I Cant wait for BPL(broadband over power line),my electric service is very rarely out,but i do live in texas,where we have our own electric grid 😉

  10. 2 days to go. To be honest I thought you were going to last 4 days tops but I guess I was wrong.

  11. Take care fo yourself ….and your wonderful family. Get a rest and the world will look a lot different. Take it from me…

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