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Top 12 Most Influential Online Videos of All Time

To create buzz as it nears submission deadlines, The Webby Awards announced recently the “Top 12 Most Influential Online Videos of All Times.” Our guess is that they were shooting for 12, but got into a heated debate and decided to toss two more in there.

Here are the other 6, er, 8…

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  1. You know what I’d REALLY like to see a list of Kevin? I’d like to see The Top 12 Most Profitable Videos for Advertisers or The 12 Videos That Made The Most Money For Their Creators. I’d love to see that. I really really really would.

    I’d be willing to bet a large sum of money that these two lists would not include all of the same videos and also be very different from the 12 Most Influential list.

    Know what I’m saying?

  2. hmm… no numa numa guy? I remember liking jibjab and linking that everywhere, all the others, influential? I guess, these all seem so long ago now.

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