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The Best Tool for Uploading Your Video to Multiple Video Sites

Nearly 9 months ago I begged for an alternative to uploading my videos manually to multiple websites. But shame on me. I’ve been uploading to dozens of sites for nearly two years, and we’re talking about nearly 500 videos. So that translates to several thousand times of doing the mundane “title it, describe it, tag it, upload, and wait.” Rinse, repeat.

Solutions have gradually developed, and all but one of these is free. So why have I waited until today to change this forever?

  1. Very few credible solutions have emerged in this space until recently. I’d even spoken with developers to create a custom web-based application that would focus on simplifying uploads and cope with site-specific criteria (monetization requirements). The potential here is enormous because content-creators would make that site a regular stop, which would give power to the tool to permit less popular sites to receive content.
  2. Most of my recent videos have been YouTube-specific and I’ve let my presence on other sites fade. Still, there are always a few that could have life beyond YouTube. And when I focused on Revver and Metacafe I made decent money for a short period. Ultimately my Revver and Metacafe dollars have dwindled as Revver views are low and few of my videos have hit the criteria for revenue-sharing on Metacafe.
  3. Ultimately I’ve distrusted non-credentialed “uploader” applications because of the risks I may take. Do they keep a copy of the video, and what rights might they assume on them? More importantly, the mystery company owns YOUR passwords of each video website. Do you want them being able to change payment preferences in your Revver, Metacafe or YouTube settings?

It’s time to overcome this fear.

I’m starting with what appears to be the leader in the space: TubeMogul. I neglected to mention them in a recent post that sited two players, and I heard from you WVFF readers and from the company.

So here’s the current landscape of players. I am not brave enough to try them all, and in some cases I list the “deal breaker” that turned me away.


  • tube mogulPros: Hands-down winner of the space.  Registering and password process made me feel safe.
  • Cons: Limited sites supported:  YouTube, Metacafe, MySpace, Yahoo, Revver, AOL Video, DailyMotion, BrightCove. Interface was frustrating because the process of defining the sites to monitor is very different from identifying the sites for uploading. This required me visiting each of the sites for various information at different stages: e-mail, password, URL of my video page.
  • Note: The site asked if I wanted to store the passwords, so I’m hoping I won’t need to teach it again. The status feedback hasn’t yet changed on the videos I uploaded an hour ago.


  • Pro: Simple interface, good analytics, easy to add account to site via interface.
  • Con: Too few sites supported – deal breaker until developed. They are exclusively allowing Google Video, Metacafe, MySpace, Revver, Veoh, YouTube. Typos on site and lack of contact information also made me weary to try.


  • Pro: Nice interface from developer that seems legitimate.
  • Con: Deal breaker: You need to remember your passwords, because they’re used in the “session” but not databased. This may have been to quell concerns about sharing passwords, but it seems like I’m just as vulnerable for password theft whether it retains them or not. And it’s a huge inconvenience.


  • Pro: By uploading on Veoh, you can also add Google Video, MySpace and YouTube to the sites that receive the video. This is, to my knowledge, the only video site that provides that unselfish functionality.
  • Con: Veoh is supposed to be a revenue-sharing site, but I haven’t made a penny on it in the months and months I’ve tried it. It’s frustrating to even try uploading directly to Veoh on that basis. Not a deal breaker but seems like a waste of time.


  • Pro:  Best diversity of sites. Supports: AOL Uncut Videos. Youtube, Google Video, Bolt, Putfile, Metacafe, Yahoo Video, MSN Soapbox, Myspace Video, Revver, Livevideo, Stupidvideos, Break, Brightcove, Grouper, Zippyvideos, iFilm, Veoh, Flurl, Blip.TV. $1 trial and downloadable application may simplify storing and using (although does present challenges for traveling uploaders).
  • Con: $19.95 is a deal breaker when there are free alternatives. Lack of company contact information and poor grammar on website makes me fearful to even try it.

Bottom line:

VideoMogul wins for easy upload features and strong statistic monitoring (its origins). The site is free, and fairly intuitive (although the user interface could use some simplifying). Ideally I’d like to set up my upload and monitor sites once, and then have a simple interface for each time I post or review statistics. I’d also value alerts for when a video happens to move. For example, if my Revver video got more than 100 views, my Metacafe video made it into the hermetically sealed “Producer Rewards” program, or I made my first penny on Veoh.

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  1. You’ve got a little typo in the last paragraph, Kevin. TubeMogul wins, not “VideoMogul”.

    I was using Veoh to do multiple uploads until I found TubeMogul. Of course I liked TubeMogul better. I stored my passwords there right off. What are they going to do? Steal my fanbase? Or my chump change? I really really really like the TubeMogul interface just as it is. A few more hosting sites would be nice, but just a few. The top 10 or 12. That’s all.

  2. off-topic – I just emailed you a copy of the photo i took of you and hank at dctube. I sent it to your gmail account.

  3. I’ve found Tubemogul so good I just can’t see any reason to try other sites. They currently support nine sites (including Blip.TV) and are working to bring on board more.

    I’ve found them very receptive to user feedback too. They’re a new start up so they’re very interested in hearing how they could improve what is already a great product.

  4. Best review yet! As for uploading purposes, its a clear toss up between TubeMogul and HeySpread. TubeMogul could use more sites while HeySpread doesnt store passwords which can be a pain if its used everyday. I agree 100% on company contact information — it is a critical factor. Furthermore TubeMogul is the only site, amongst the others, where the management faces are show.

  5. We are honored to get this review – thanks Kevin! We posted the title on the TubeMogul homepage and linked in our news, as it’s great validation for anyone visiting the site for the first time (and of course, makes us feel great!).
    Mark at TubeMogul

  6. That’s great. Nalts, I emailed a heads up to you months ago when Tubemogul first launched this multiple uploader option. I did it specifically because I remember the post that you did suggesting a service or application of that nature, a long time ago. Not only did you choose to ignore the email (you never responded to even say thanks for the news or even let me know that you did get it), you didn’t even mention it in any post on Willvideoforfood. You make great points regarding these services. Hopefully, there will be an awesome application or services that has more video websites in their inventory. For now, Tubemogul seems to be the better choice.

    I do not mean to send such a bitter comment, but your lack or response and this sudden post feels like a slap in the face.

  7. VidMetrix will be the hands down winner when they add more sites. Their interface is far superior than TubeMogul. TubeMogul takes too long for uploading and they dont even allow for flash files! What is up with that? Kevin, good review, but wrong choice. My votes on VidMetrix.

  8. So far I can’t say I’m won over by the tubemogul hype.

    Uploaded a vid last night, and still.. 2pm today, video still not uploaded to youtube (awaiting confirmation)

    Also my stats are two days old, last update on the 19th

  9. Tubemogul have been quick to respond to my hassles with uploading to youtube. Apparently a server was down.

    The stats are out of date because they work on US time, they are working on this for international users.

    New company, a few problems to iron out, very quick response time to my emails, I’m sticking with them!

  10. I have a similar issue as Mark. I uploaded a 8 min file to TubeMogul. When launching it to th various supported sites, most worked, but VEOH, GOOGLE, and YOUTUBE were stil saying “Uploaded & awaiting confirmation” on those t3 sites for hours and hours. Another file uploaded and launched went to all the supported sites just fine. PLEASE ADVISE ASAP.

  11. Please, help. I am already thinking about going elsewhere. TubeMogul, why is there such inconsistency in launching the uploaded videos to supported sites from video to video? Why is there no way to cancel and restart the launching when it seems to get “stuck”?

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