Tag Archives: somecallmejim

Marketer’s Guide to Social Media in 2009

Thanks to SomeCallMeJim (a WVFF tribe member), who helped summarized this BeingPeterKing novel about what the future holds for social media.

Indeed this 23-page “Social Media Predictions 2009” article should be required reading for marketers… whether they’re concerned about Google buying Twitter, or whether they want to know what to do about “accidental” spokespeople versus the ones carefully programmed by PR groups (hint- don’t fight the undertoe, folks… support the vocal fans, especially if they have drawn a crowd). Example- if HappySlip makes a video about MacBookPro here’s a crazy idea, Mac. Send her one. Thank her. Cultivate a relationship.

I especially like this chart on by Influential Marketing Blog, which shows what marketers did in 2008 and what they will do in 2009 (assuming they’re informed).

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