Tag Archives: bloggers

Best Video Bloggers (Vloggers) on YouTube

Who are the best daily video bloggers (vloggers) on YouTube? Where can you find the most interesting video creators? I have no idea, but check these folks out.
  • The only daily vlogger who hunts GHOSTS
  • Someone who is making multiple sclerosis “her bitch
  • A dude who apparently drinks a lot of Red Bull and says he can kick Shaycarl and CharlesTrippy’s asses
  • Cooks, book reviews, psychology, philosophy, dogs, mystics, mind-reading midgets (okay the last one was a stretch)
  • Someone who glues paper to his head
  • Even a few of these people may be weirder than me
For context, last week I posted a video on my “UncleNalts” account, inviting daily vloggers to send a clip to promote their channel. Below is the collage/collection, and you can subscribe to them through links below.

What is The YouTube Orbit?
It’s just a name we made up to refer to daily vlogs – an attempt to do videos each day for one Earth rotation around the sun. I’ve been somewhat consistent but not perfect. Urgo6667 helped popularize the name, and even set up a channel for the YouTube Orbit (click to see).
How Can I Join the YouTube Orbit?
Ping! You’re a member. It’s not exclusive. If you tag your video YTO or “YouTube Orbit” Urgo will feature it on the YT Orbit page. I’ve got a list of some of the daily vloggers on my Unclenalts subscription page, but I’m not sure it’s up to date. Hope it goes without saying you can be a daily vlogger without using the name YouTube Orbit, it’s just something some of us are using…. to refer to a group, a mission, a rotation, a thing.
I Wanted to Be In This, and Missed It! Now What?
No worries. I’ll do another montage. Just send a 15-second clip to the e-mail address on this video, and please title your video using your youtube channel name… please please please. If I don’t post a new one within a month, tell Urgo to kick my ass.
What? You’ve written a book? Where can I get it?
Well I’m glad you asked. To learn about YouTube marketing to promote yourself, company or vlog… get “Beyond Viral” at your local Barnes & Noble or Barnes. Or order on Amazon: http://www.beyondviral.com.
The channels, by order of their appearance:
http://www.youtube.com/NewAgeVideos (ghost dude)
http://www.youtube.com/H3ADY1313 (making MS her bitch)
http://www.youtube.com/katinatreesee (say it 3 times fast)
http://www.youtube.com/urgo6667 (don’t sub twice)
http://www.youtube.com/olinselot (olinsalot, olinsellot)
http://www.youtube.com/ the mystery dude
http://www.youtube.com/CreativeSoulTV (spinning camera)
http://www.youtube.com/journeyoflivevlogs (shaved head)
http://www.youtube.com/Tyboze (pwns Trippy and Shay)
http://www.youtube.com/buddhacharlie (MIA)

Best Blogger Pitch Letter Ever

Micropersuasion and your obsessed fans, take note. Five shiny stars for this pitch from Jason. Let’s review what makes it work:

  1. Personalized- says he’s long-time fan (and how can I disprove that, right?)
  2. His subject header is brilliant: “Opening myself up to your pointed criticism.” That makes me feel like he wants my critique not my gratuitous plug. Big difference. Totally caught my attention, and I scan e-mail at best.
  3. Low key. Jokes. Calls me “marketing big shot.”
  4. Sounds like an e-mail. Not a press release. Uses words like “thanks for the time, man.”

Learn from this, dear PR people. Especially you 1.0 PR people that are still sending bloggers press releases. That is so 2002. Mind you, I sat on this for weeks and haven’t exactly been to the websites below. But I trust the campaign is the most progressive one ever for a brand, and Jason can put that in his client binder. The dude even followed it up with a gentle nudge this week (knowing how bad I am about e-mail).

Subject header: “Opening myself up to your pointed criticism!”

Hey Kevin,

I’m the social media guy for Beam Global and long-time admirer. We’ve just launched a campaign (hoping to soon call it a “movement” though now that I think about that, I need a thesaurus) that I’d love your feedback on if you can spare a moment or two. Figured since you’re a marketing big shot who gets Web 2.0, it might raise your eyebrows.

Jim Beam is spending its budget this year marketing people who exhibit the brand persona, not the brand itself. (Bear with me, dude. It’ll make sense in a sec.) We’ve found an initial group of people who exhibit true character, integrity, perseverance through struggle, etc., (The Stuff Inside) and we’re marketing them — helping them because it’s the right thing to do. We’re walking the talk. One such subject is even a comedy troupe you might enjoy called Summer of Tears. Good videos.

Social Media Release: http://www.thestuffinside.com/socialmediarelease/
Site: http://www.thestuffinside.com

I developed the social media strategies. Beam’s being kinda brave changing the way they market themselves. I’d just love to get your feedback on it all.

Thanks for the time, man.


Okay. I went to the site now. It moved horizontally, and reminds me of the AMeetingWithPhil site, only it has a more goeey web 2.0 feel. And everything worked well, which is a nice surprise when you’ve seen your share of bloated flashturbation sites.  Check out SummerofTears, one of the many artists the site features. They’re funny and drink Jim Beam responsibly of course.