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Sneaking Into HappySlip’s Apartment

happy.jpgToday I went to New York City and convinced a gullible doorman that I was HappySlip‘s brother. I did get busted, but not before I was able to get some footage of her place, steal a stapler and sing a piece of her Mac Beautiful on her keyboard. Here’s her version of Mac Beautiful, but I quite like my singing better. Jobs has already reached out to me.

Sure you can call it creepy. But I’m just one of her nearly 20K subscribers on YouTube. That’s all. YOU’RE the one who watches her videos non stop.

P.S. Click here to see the video on Revver. Trivia for you. HappySlip started on Revver before YouTube.

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  1. lol I’M the one? Who’s the one that stalked her all the way to her apartment? Btw there’s a continuity error. When my comment restriction passes i’ll post it on youtube. I’m still slick at 7:00am.

    This is very good though, an excellent idea. Did she use you in one of her videos?

  2. Okay – now you’re creeping me out again. But I guess you need to keep the fans off balance…

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