Real Comedians React to Unknown YouTube Stars

Per my UncleNalts vlog…. check out a great satire on YouTube “stardom” by Jessica Kirsin, a “Last Comic Standing” comedian who has appeared on Leno, created the hysterical “Snack Time,” and has a reality show in the works (see trailer).

In something I cherished and never seen before, this video shows Jessica interviewing well-known comedians at the Comedy Celler in NYC (Tom Papa, Colin Quinn, William Stephenson, Amy Schumer, Anthony Jeselnik, Ted Alexandro).

But she’s asking about YouTube “stars” like Rhett & Link (the ugly one), Shaycarl, Kassemg, Fred, Winekone, LisaNova. The answers are a great reminder that despite the wild views people get on YouTube, they are not widely known beyond (When I ask conferences if they’ve heard of Fred I get a few hands at best).

Her questions reveal a deep knowledge of the most-viewed YouTubers… and it’s wonderful to see how that’s lost on the famous comedians who have heard of nobody except LisaNova and “Charlie Bit My Finger.”

Stay with this video, and you’ll get some hysterical questions and uninformed but funny and awkward answers:

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  1. My favorite, “This interview makes me want to commit suicide…murder/ suicide specifically.”

    Tay Zonday part was cool and the outtakes.

  2. @1 I haven’t heard of any of these so called well-known comedians either. I’ll bet way more people have heard of Fred than these guys.

  3. Some of the comics are funny, and hey Colin Quinn’s been around forever and been an unmitigated, albeit drunken, success. But the sad truth is that they’re just out of touch with a viable, popular community. The audience for nearly if not all the YouTubers mentioned is young – and honestly – probably doesn’t know who any of these comedians are. And they shouldn’t talk smack about Payman Benz. They could be working for him soon. 😉

    By the way – the very end of this video made me laugh out loud. Wait there’s another way to say that… I can’t remember…

  4. oh, man! I totally remember that woman! Always talking about cats, she was! Always cats with that woman!

    I can’t recall if I liked her from Last Comic Standing or if I really didn’t like her…but after watching this, I have a good opinion of her now.

  5. To learn more about YouTube creators, perhaps they should rent “I Want My Three Minutes Back” available on iTunes now!

    (was that enough of a shameless promotion?)

  6. me too – other than Colin Quinn I had no idea who these people were and yet I recognized at least 70% of the people she mentioned on You Tube.

    The world is changing.
    Lead, Follow or Get Out Of The Way

    Further, who ever that women was she did a great job!
    Invite her to guest blog, her take on the two worlds is invaluable.

  7. Could it be that these professionals are afraid of the hordes of untrained, unschooled and often uncooth Youtube amateurs who want to steal the spotlight and who are willing to work for pennies? Could that be the source of their obvious anger? Millions upon millions of Youtubers are at the gates and they’re going to eviscerate Colin Quinn’s meal ticket!

  8. @14 I’m betting he drank his… that said, he made it under the wire, being the oldest in the group. I think there is still a good number of people, or a generation or two who are unawares of the power of this medium; still trail blazing and pioneering going on. Then there’s the hard core TV Club types that refuse to believe things will ever change. The one guy, bald/balding, out of the bunch seemed like he gets, got, or was open to the concepts. Everyone else was pretty clueless or trying too hard.

    Here’s a comedian I never heard of until I saw a few of his bits on You Tube –

    Now, if a pal said, “Hey that guy Joe Klochek’s in town wanna see him?” I’d say, “Oh yeah, I saw him on You Tube he’s pretty funny. Sure, how much?”

    Then later if my pal said, “There’s also a bunch of those guys in that video (featured above), they’re coming to town next week, wanna go?” I’d say, “Who? Nah” But then, if my pal said, “Colin Quinn will be there too.” I’d say, “Is it free?”

    Not making fast friends am I?

  9. First of all, for someone to say that You Tubers are all young folks is ridiculous…..I think the over 30 crowd has a great time on YT and Nalts, you are proof of it…

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