New Book: “15 Minutes of Fame: Becoming a Star in the YouTube Revolution”

youtube bookI thought I knew my fellow YouTubers well, but I learned some interesting facts about some of my favorites in a new book by Frederick Levy (see his YouTube channel). Levy covers some famous YouTubers, and me too. There’s a Q&A and some coverage about the NAPPY campaign I had almost supressed.

Worth a read for those interested in the culture beyond the “cat videos,” or for those already steeped in the social aspect of YouTube. Of course I haven’t read a book completely in about a decade, so I’ll have to trust the book cover. Link below to Amazon if you want your own copy.

  • An explanation of how to take advantage of YouTube’s far-reaching
    resources and potential
  • Expert advice on how to get your video seen
  • Insightful strategies on how to make your video stand out from the
  • Instruction on uploading videos from a mobile phone
  • Simple ways to capture video directly to YouTube from a webcam
  • Tips on embedding videos into personal webpages or blogs

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  1. You really should give reading a try, Nalts. Maybe you’ll be too entralled in the printed word to notice that you haven’t bought anything lately.

  2. If you decide not to buy it, follow the affiliate link to Amazon anyway and purchase that HDTV you’ve always wanted.

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