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  1. hey, that’s the same blazer and shirt as the happyslip video… did you go to new york from PA to record for Fox Friends Philadelphia?

  2. I’m not trying to start a whole Fox News is biased debate, but I’m used to news shows where reporters and anchormen do not give their own personal opinion during news and interviews. It was kind of weird for them to start off the report/interview saying that they think it’s bad for YouTube to be sharing in ad revenue.

    Also, how were you not nervous?

  3. Yes, he’s right. Just before bringing you on telling us that they think people shouldn’t get paid for their videos then introducing you, it was a bit out of order.

    It would of been ace if you had said, “before we start I think newsreaders shouldn’t get paid for reading the news…”


  4. What’s up with the female reporter saying “i don’t think they should get paid”! ha… how about you do your reporting for free, bit**! lol… anyway, congrats on the news bit!

  5. ZachScott said: “Also, how were you not nervous?”

    I think the only time Nalts is nervous is when he’s *not* in front of a camera!

  6. Nalts looks like a fat, young John Lithgow.

    Woodblock you’re right. That’s why I’m never without a camera.

    Mark- feel free to keep the abuse here.

    Trip/marquis- my favorite part of the day is reading your posts.

    Oh- and PC. YES I shot them both in the same day- morning in Philly and afternoon and evening in NYC. In fact, I’m terrified because there were some lunatics making a video on Times Square and I got on camera. They were women wearing rockets between their legs and protesting the war.

  7. Cool nalts =) gane check the most of your content on youtube tomorrow at work.. should keep me busy for a while 😀
    Best of luck

  8. We all have been betrayed since 1950. Now its “payback time” Trust me on this one. As a country, we are running out of gas. Yes, maybe just fumes. Who’s fault is this? Answer: Washington D.C.

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