Live “Unmediated” Reporting from Iraq

Forget the media with their satellite phones. For an an unmediated and humorous view into the war, check out Zack Scott on Revver or see his site at

Here’s the context. Zack calls his friend Brock Wood, who is with the military and stationed in Iraq. Zack assumes Wood is oblivious to world events, so he reports (news style) on them… with a humorous twist.

They’re really short. Of the 5 below, my favorites are the first, second and fifth.

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  1. Oh now I can spell it so I can Google the word haiku.

    Kidding- I used to work with a guy named Phil Charron who would write e-mails in haiku.

  2. Hey, wow, I was just catching up on the site when I stumbled across this. Thanks for posting the clips, and thanks for educating me about how to play the online video “game”. I swear you post twenty times I day, so it causes me to have a lot of catching up to do.

  3. Oh- forgot to tell you about that. I do post obsessively. I’m just glad I’m writing it and not reading it. I’d never keep up.

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