Lady Bitches About Husband on YouTube. Goes to Court.

Interesting story about a wife that is in court for bitching about him on YouTube.

Tricia Walsh-Smith, 49, is fighting a claim by her estranged husband, Philip Smith, that she engaged in “spousal abuse” by making the videos, which she says have been viewed more than four million times.

She says he was planning to leave her penniless, and that she discovered 77-year-old Mr Smith hoarding the impotence drug Viagra even though they never had sex.

Her videos are pulled down, but a few maverick copies are still available. I like this one from 2 months ago: Jump to 2:45 for a fun commentary by Michael Buckley.



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  1. All that high speed nasal tweeker talking gives me a headache. I’ll just take your word for it as I can’t stand more than 5 seconds of this shrill noise.

  2. Isn’t that the whole point of vlogs? Bitching about your husband or work or life. I wouldn’t know… I can’t stand watching vlogs.

  3. I can’t believe people are saying such mean things about michael. You’re gonna hurt his feelings. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Like he reads this blog.

    For the record, I do enjoy his videos. Now mention me in one of them, michael.

  4. I was going to say THANK YOU KEVIN for posting the video!
    But I would like to add thank you to your readers for the inspiring comments LOL

    My fave is the little 15 year old who wants to unsubscribe!

    Loves it!
    Your fan,

  5. what the buck tell me whatsa happin’! 😉

    ok willvideoforfooders and willvideoforfoodians up on your hands!
    NEW RULE: when ever you see michael buckley post here you are now required to do a hand stand.

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