Instant Phone Call Via Twitter
Mkay… not sure of the business model, but this is cool. You can create an instant phone call using Twitter.
Of course your conversation can not exceed 140 seconds.
Mkay… not sure of the business model, but this is cool. You can create an instant phone call using Twitter.
Of course your conversation can not exceed 140 seconds.
Fast Company’s November issue takes on the subject of online influencers, with prominent features of YouTubers, iJustine and MysteryGuitarMan. The piece provided some nice insights into the “going rate” of a weblebrity/webstar… mid-high six figure incomes with $20-$50K per sponsored videos. Sustainable? Techcrunch took objection to the piece and brought it out back for a…
Brilliant parody of SNL Shorts and Andy Samberg from (who I found via barely political). It’s been out for three months, but I just discovered it. The weekly schedule is hysterical and it hooked me at “I’m not sure if it’s effort, or…”
I’ve been called everything from a sellout to Satan (this video is the best hater video I’ve ever seen, and features me with a sign “Will Video for Souls” as I transform into Lucifer). So it gives me some relief to know that the online-video community has found a new Osama. His name is Dan…
A few years ago, a video could be considered “viral” if it hit a million views. Now I’d like to propose a more stringent definition, and tell you that President Obama meets the criteria. A video, I submit, is “viral” if it gets more than 5 million views in a 3-7 day period. So Obama…
This report by The Onion is a wonderful news satire of how careful Obama was to respect McCain during the debates, while McCain avoided all eye contact with him. This is one of the few Onion video clips that gets better as it progresses. If anyone knows someone at The Onion, please let ’em know…
Here’s an interesting CBS story on viral videos and how marketers are approaching them smartly… and not so smartly. Very well produced piece. Of course I’m biased. My “Annoying Bird” made a cameo (see top middle of the frame- in green).
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How do I monetize that?
Hey Nalts, are let people call you via Twitter?
I haven’t figured out your cell phone number yet (just your home phone number).
Calling people is overrated. I prefer just replying to voice message with a voice message. Actually I even suck about following up with that.
Magic Eraser lead me to wear socks again! :
If you wanna know why the hillbillies were dragging me out of the mud today, just click.
THIS BLOG POST (for the visually impaired):,drE1W7.LMw9Q//bl01
@6 Nice. Are you going to do that for all the posts?
One problem though: How do the visually impaired know to click on the link?
Curses! My evil plot is foiled by logic!!!