I Know Steve Hall (AdRants) Better Than You

I got into a recent debate with someone famous (online).

Who knows Steve Hall from AdRants better? Who he’s mentioned more often? Who hears from him via e-mail more quickly?

Well I’ve got a photo of us together, so kiss my ass.

Steve Hall photo with nalts

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  1. Go check out MyDamnChannel’s videos. He’s got a whole series of them called You Suck At PHotoshop.

  2. Is everybody in America except me wearing those Chinese-import 1960’s beatnik granny glasses? Is it some sort of governmental mind control device?

  3. I don’t know what you’re talking about here Kev, but this guys blog is pretty funny and he’s super organized. putting him on my blog roll

  4. I think I’ll make a video with my head all big and huge. Nah I’m not in the mood to make a video. Maybe I’ll nap.

  5. I was making videos with my head all big and huge 2 years ago. It’s been done to death. It’s like lipsyncing. And I sent you a clip of YOUR head all big and huge for the lemon video, remember? So what if you’re spewing in the clip. You can edit that out and do a voiceover.

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