How to Hack Zoom Call with Fake Loop Video in Just 7 Steps

Getting tired of paying attention in Zoom calls? Here’s how to create a looped video of yourself to make people think you’re paying attention.

See video here (it’s only 2-minutes and it’s for Apple/Mac not PC)

1) record about 30 seconds of yourself using your phone or Photo Booth (using same shirt and background as you’ll have in actual Zoom call).

2) import it to iMovie and use clip twice.

3) Reverse second copy (so beginning and end of video are identical, avoiding a jump edit.

4) In Zoom preferences, select “virtual background” and import your video.

5) Note that you will see yourself AND your recording… so the camera has to be off. I cover it with a post-it for easy on/off

6) Practice the timing of simultaneously turning off the video background look and removing the post-it note. That allows you to rejoin, and simply looks like you turned your camera on and off by accident.

7) Stay alert during call and be sure you’re on mute since your lips aren’t moving in the loop.

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