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Guacamole Ukulele Song

Ukulele Guacamole 2One of the cool things about the AppleTV is that I can doze off watching YouTube videos. Once in a blue moon, I find something so delightful that I spring out of bed and dart downstairs to watch more or write the creator.

Tonight I found the “Guacamole Ukulele” song by the the incredibly talented Lauren from The Moaning Myrtles, a piano-based “wizard rock” band from Hillsborough, NJ.

Lauren (who goes by DevilishlyPure on YouTube) is one of the FiveAwesomeGirls, a raving Harry Potter fan, and a NerdFighter. She and Lena, from The Butterbeer Experience, are currently touring as “The Accio Bodyguard.”

It’s easier to eat half a bag of Doritos than watch this video without smiling. You’ll be stuck with the song for a while. As of this post it has just 2600 views, but I’d bet a Ruby Tuesday’s Guacamole that it’s going to go well past that.

Update: June 27, 2008: They got featured on the homepage and have 250,000 views or more! 🙂

Ukulele Guacamole

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  1. We got some Ruby Tuesdayyyy, guacamoleeeee, then we bought two ukeleleeeees, guacamoleee-ukeleleeee sooooong!………….We got some……..!!!!!!

    Very cute! :o)

    OK Nalts…I like this song, but eventually I’m going to need that song that supposed to get rid of all songs stuck in your head (cause I can tell this one’s going to be in there for a while)…what was it again? LOL!

  2. I used to bus tables at a restaurant and I stuck my finger in some guacamole on a plate. I was in the middle of the restaurant gagging. I think guacamole is yucky.

  3. They play the ukulele way better than you.

    I am waiting for your self-absorbed ukulele debut.

    Do it. NOW.

  4. Oh I can’t ever play the ukulele again after watching this. But I can sing “Dirt Deeds and they Done them Cheap” or “Now you’re messing with a Son of Bitch.”

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