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Floating Hand Seeks Revenge on Poor Video Rater

hand.jpgWe creators don’t take offense to poor ratings. But sometimes our body parts do.

Watch in horror as this video creator’s hand removes itself and pursues revenge on someone who ranked its owner’s video poorly. This type of reaction is fairly typical of users of Metacafe, since ratings determine a video’s eligibility into the profitable “Producer Rewards” program.

This video was created, using Adobe After Effects, by a graphic artist in Israel named Eran Solomon. He posts on Metacafe as Teasider.

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  1. Hey Kevin, Ive been surfing your blog for a looong while.

    It was a great surprise seeing my video here .. Thanks ! 🙂

  2. I tried to give it a good comment on the site but metacafe won’t work properly for me anymore can’t even upload stuff ah well the joys of WEB 2. lol.

  3. WOW just took a look at your site you have some awesome stuff on there. Detonation films are ace ain’t they 😉 have you seen finalight.com too? (great nuclear stuff)

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