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How Google Ate YouTube

Jason Dowdell of “Marketing Shift,” writes this about Google vs. YouTube: For the moment YouTube appears to have an insurmountable lead in the user-generated video space. YouTube has the quirky, clever, and oddball content from thousands of individuals, while Google Video has Mr. Magoo and Charlie Rose. However, Google has several things — namely Google…

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The 10 Immutable Laws of Viral Video

So my joking reference to the “second law of viral videos” at the close of this “YouTube Viral Video Broker” clip resulted in this question from Joe Chapuis: What’s the first law of viral videos? Fair question. I hadn’t really considered the rules yet… I was spoofing someone that would have the arrogance to cite…

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YouTube Viral Video Broker!

Advertiser looking for reach? Viral-video creator looking for income? Video website looking for revenue? It’s the YouTube Viral Video Broker. He’s got the answers. Tags: Laipply, Numa Numa, Emmilina, Brookers, Smosh, YouTube, Coke, Coca Cola, YouTube, McDonalds, Subaru, Verizon, Singular, Wireless, Advertising, Online,