What Percent of Us Have Uploaded a Video? Why?
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What Percent of Us Have Uploaded a Video? Why?

  One in four people (25%) of Americans have uploaded a video, according to a recent Pew Research report. That’s driven by two factors: Mobile — more than 40% of us record video on our cell phones and 40% watch videos on our tiny screens. Social media uptick going from 8% in 2005 to 72%…

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Exclusive: How Much Money YouTube Partners Make

{Update from 2013 reveals YouTube stars making $4 million plus per year} How much do YouTube stars make each year? Oh for goodness sakes. Just like my same 5 YouTube videos (see right column of channel page here) represent the majority of my online views… It seems that most of WillVideoForFood’s blog traffic comes from people…

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On NBC Today Show… this morning. maybe.

Greetings boys, girls and willvideoforfooders! I’m your substitute, I mean “GuestOfNalts (.)” today 🙂 As you know this self proclamied viral video genius, Kevin ‘Nalts’ Nalty, started talking to himself early on, as we see in several of his more delightful films: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, AND here! WHEEW! Kevin has…

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Kevin is a poopie head

! discuss!