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On NBC Today Show… this morning. maybe.

Greetings boys, girls and willvideoforfooders! Iā€™m your substitute, I mean “GuestOfNalts (.)” today šŸ™‚ As you know this self proclamied viral video genius, Kevin ‘Nalts’ Nalty, started talking to himself early on, as we see in several of his more delightful films: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, AND here! WHEEW! Kevin has…

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Kevin is a poopie head

! discuss!

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Pratfall Spices Up Viral-Video Panel

So I took a deliberate spill while hosting a panel at Streaming Media East called “Creating and Promoting Amateur Videos.” Paul Kontonis, CEO of For Your Imagination, screamed like a teenage girl, but was one of few people that realized it was a joke. The fall is 1 minutes and 9 seconds in. Warning: Per…

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Viral Video YouTube Moshup in Weezer’s “Pork & Beans” Music Video

Some time ago, we were watching Weezer write a song with his audience on YouTube. His blog even mentioned my little post, resulting in fan traffic that oddly didn’t assault me for making fun of his unibrow. Well now Weezer’s “Pork and Beans” music video has paid even greater homage to YouTube, and has garnered…

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The Advertising Agency’s Five Stages of “Online Video” Grief

Remember how major advertising agencies handled the Internet? Let’s recap their 5 stages of grief: Denial: The web is not a big deal. It’s a fad. Let the little Internet agencies form. We’re not losing much in fees. Anger: Who’s coming to our monthly all agency day? The Internet agency? First the Public Relations agency,…

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Promoting Your Brand With Viral Video

I debated heavily before posting this, because this blog is supposed to be a review of the fun world of viral video and marketing (not an advertisement for my services). That being said, I think some of you readers may be interested in how I work with sponsors. As you know, I advocate that brands…

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EepyBird Planning Mentos & Diet Coke Geyser in NYC on Saturday (7.7.7)

Thanks to help from a friend at Coke, the Atlanta-based company will be turning out at the NYC Meetup with EepyBird (the duo made famous for their elaborate displays of Mentos & Coke fountains. They will showcase a geyser display at about 1:30 EST at Washington Park Square (near NYU). It’s part of a number…

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I Made Trevor the Mentos Intern Bark

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnMJTJJVahs] In another online-video first, Mentos tears down the entire wall between its brand and its customers. And they bestow the dipomacy post to Trevor the intern. The Mentos Intern is available for live discussion, tasks and constant webcam. I’m biased as someone lucky enough to have them sponsoring my vids, but this is remarkable…

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Mentos Geyser Reaches Record Heights

After record views with EepyBird’s Mentos Geysers, the candy is reaching new beights. A Guiness record apparently. “Mentos Madness” was produced by Dustin Dow, Glenn Hartong, Michael E. Keating and Andy Knight. Says the description on the video: It wasn’t “500 bottles of pop on the mall, 500 bottles of pop …” It was 504…