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Is There Such Thing as a Viral Video Writer?

Is there such thing as a viral video writer? In most cases, viral creators are both writing and shooting their own work. But as the business matures, it’s highly possible that — just like television and film — writers will write and video people will produce. How long before they collaborate, and how will they…

Your Vote Counts

Oh- I’m not talking about the elections. I’m so tired of campaign ads I avoid the television like it was a telemarketer with the Ebola virus. But your vote counts in the Vloggies. Thanks to faithful WVFF reader PC, I’ve discovered that someone nominated this very unfunny blog in the category of Comedy Vlogs. Is…

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Why Google and YouTube is Moronic

I resisted the temptation to read everything and organize my thoughts. Just woke up, poured coffee, scribled some notes, turned on the camera and ranted. Here’s the resulting “video rant” about yesterday’s news that Google is buying YouTube for $1.65 billion dollars. Here’s the same video posted on YouTube. Top 10 reasons this Google acquisition of…

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Sesame Street vs. Coke

The Coke contest is down to 8 submissions now that judge ZeFrank booted the one I had submitted. But there are still about 20 days for you to try. In an e-mail titled “your entry needs a little work,” ZeFrank wrote, “Unfortunately, we cannot include it on the site because your submission contains third-party content…

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Who Will Make Money With User-Generated Online Video?

You will, dear reader. But now even more people will. Scott Karp, the popular “Publishing 2.0” author, has given away some of our secrets in his article “Who Will Make Money With User-Generated Online Video.” That’s okay. There’s enough to go around. In addition to advertising revenue-sharing, Karp points out “subscription revenue sharing.” I’m having trouble…

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A History of Online Video

Wowza. I thought I was on top of online video. I’m hanging my head in humility. Check out this post featuring a timeline of online video by Steve Bryant in his new blog, “ReelPopBlog.” Included is this dreamy graphic. Click to see it up close.


PayPerPost: You Don’t Have to Be Ed McMahon to “Sell Out”

If suddenly I start blogging about companies that have nothing to do with online videos, you’ll know I’ve moved onto PayPerPost‘s payroll. The site allows bloggers to get paid for posts that follow instructions from advertisers seeking buzz. Include a product mention and links to a commerce site and you’ll make as much as $10….