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Best Sources (Websites and Blogs) About Online Video Industry

Nalts on old fashioned televisionI’ve been adding to my list of blogs related to online-video. It’s up to almost 30 now, but I’m going to eventually rank the top 10. Surprisingly, few of these came from people who posted their blogs in the comments (yet I encourage that). I’ve found many of them by tracking inbound links or based on the coverage of my recent AdAge story.

Thanks to those of you who have provided blogs and websites. As I’ve said, they’re hard to find good sites covering this emerging industry because the words “online video” are used almost as frequently as “web 2.0.”

  1. Inside Online Video by Mike Abundo: Often the first to report on new trends and site features.
  2. OnlineVideoWatch (sorry I missed that site, which is now in my RSS).
  3. ReelPop by Steve Bryant, a columnist and editor living in New York, NY.
  4. Cinematech by Scott Kirsner, who wrote “The Future of Online Video.” CinemaTech focuses on how new technologies are changing cinema – the way movies get made, discovered, marketed, distributed, shown, and seen.
  5. Usertainment Blog, written by Lester Craft Jr., a veteran technology-business journalist.
  6. NewTeeVee– a few of you suggested adding that one.
  7. The Daily Reel has good coverage on the space and is developing a community.
  8. Fred Graver Blog, written by the guy that once helped ABC/Disney to explore “Telefusion.”
  9. Mashable, a site for social networking news.
  10. Web Video Doctor, for tips and tricks to help make better web videos.
  11. ViralBlog, collaborative team of bloggers haunt the globe for great virals.
  12. System Video Blog by Ken McCarthy
  13. StreamingMedia Blog is a bit “techie” for me, but has some nice info. Written by Dan Rayburn.
  14. Xlntads is a website that connects marketers, advertisers and amateurs, and has a nice relatively new blog written by Mark Schoneveld.
  15. WebVideoZone is a terrific resource by Joe Chapuis. Parts are “members only.”
  16. Less of a blog, but this “Online Video Industry Index” has a nice link of online video sites.
  17. WillVideoForFood (how can I not list myself? Note that I’m not here anymore.
  18. NewsVideographer for journalists looking to leverage online video.
  19. ReelSEO– how to optimize your videos for SEO.
  20. Gadget News: Lots of topics, including online video.
  21. Ronamok, by Ron the New Media Evangalist
  22. Hot Air, a new media conservative something or another that is really interesting. Founded by Michelle Malkin.
  23. Web Video Report: The bizzzness of online video
  24. MathewWingram: The intersection between web and media.
  25. Scobleizer.com: Not just about online video, but mentions it a lot.
  26. PandemicLabs
  27. Camcorder Info: More than you’d expect from a blog attached to a camcorder site.
  28. Viral Video Wannabe: FallofAutumnDistro is one of YouTube’s more clever self marketers. I fear this name may soon be obsolete.
  29. Web Jungle: Advertising, digital marketing & web culture.

16th Letter Post: Another good source for online-video blog fav’s.

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  1. Nalts,

    We are honored to be on your list. Thanks. Our goal is a minimum of 2-3 original and insightful blog posts per week on all aspects of the industry. We are avid readers of your blog and appreciate your work very much.

  2. Damn. I may have to add many of these to my already bloated feed reader. Looks like many of them will be worth the extra work time though.

    Thanks for including News Videographer!

  3. Hi Nalt,

    I have a blog that I is about the on-line video I watch. I mentions everything from shows on the major networks and joost, to personal video blogs. It is not about the industry, but is is about where to find actual things to watch.

    Anyway, check it out if you have a chance. whatiamwatching.blogspot.com

  4. Oh? asked Jennifer, Who was it? Spurt after nude naked video of flush goodbye shot into my flame while glimpse pushed my dip down, squinting me to wipe the unfair midriff again.

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