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Another Online Video Show About… Online Video

goggleburnNext New Networks is debuting an online-video show about online video. Googleburn, which appears each Wednesday is:

“the sting in your eyes when you’ve been ogling online videos all night and it’s 6 AM on Monday and oh dear lord you can’t see anything because the Internet blasted you with whiteout,” says host Nick Douglas in the show’s first blog.

Using vocabulary matched only by Entertainment Weekly’s Owen Gleiberman, NewTeeVee’s Jackson West says the show is “slightly warped yet smartly erudite sensibility and a disaffected delivery.”

melbourne sunglasses interview australian party guyThis week’s spoof is well timed, as it features an interview with the sunglasses of Australian party thrower Corey Delaney (Worthington), who was widely seen on YouTube, in this embarassing interview. Embarassing, I think, for the host who asked loaded questions, lacked objectivity, nagged, and became part of the story (must have missed that “Intro to Television News” course in college, honey). I thought this was a prank at first, but it might well be real.

My BubbleGumTree Show, of course, is going for a more retrotarded angle on online video, featuring the interesting people of the space. Watch for a debut with Mark Day Comedy next week.

This “online video shows about online video” arena is starting to remind me of the short-lived websites that featured the best websites back in the late 90s. But it will be fun while it lasts. Via Mike Abundo’s Inside Online Video).

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  1. Thanks, Nalts! The YouTube interview was a laugh, but the spoof of it – interviewing the famous shades – had me busting a gut. Especially the closing line. “You don’t know the history of UV protection – I do.” Rolling on the floor here.

  2. I haven’t watched the interview with the shades yet, but the real one was pretty funny.

    I agree with you about the reporter, but I think it was embarrassing for both of them. He’s definitely for real, and there have been a couple of other reports on him from the same show.

  3. Oh this “reporter” made me a bit angry. In the states she would have been fired. Now I understand why people have lawyers sitting next them in these situations.

    Gibbo: Both interviews were very nice, very candid.

    Kevin have you contact Bazooka as a sponsor for the BGTS yet?

  4. Hi Nalts

    A Current Affair is a real Australian current affairs program, mainly dieting pills and foot in the door stories on dodgy tradesmen.

    It is so bad, a spoof series was made about Australian current affairs called Frontline, well worth having a look at ( a bit like the office, only dealing with the tv industry) and supposedly each episode was based on real life events, with a grain of comedy salt


    the overlander from downunder

  5. Hey, Kevin. You need to open up a Web-To-Broadcast TV Cewebrity Transition School!

    As I channel surf, I occasionally see cewebrities trying to cash in on their Youtube success by getting little guest appearances on The Animal Channel (zefrank) and other non-prime time bodyshop approach variety shows and I wish them luck, but so far, the transition from the little box to the big one is not working. I wonder why not?

    Maybe it’s because on the little box, the cewebrity is in total control of their image and has time to do dozens of remakes while on TV, they have to get it right the first time with no video editing trickery.

    All I know is that when a web celebrity goes on broadcast television, they look like they’re slouching. They’re looking UP at the TV host in submission rather than DOWN at the 340×240 web viewer with mastery.

    Damn, I write good!

    So I see a niche market here to train cewebrities for the crossover. Regular acting schools won’t do. They need someone who understands the ‘little box’ like you do. Whaddya say?

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