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  1. Yeah. But considering you were able to sell Propecia…I’m pretty sure no one will care about your lack of…erm…follicles.


  2. It’s so refreshing to finally be able to talk about the product you were director of… and so frustrating that you can’t talk much about deals you are working on now.

    Wish I could see ya in NYC … sigh.

    Check out my new channel, ‘n subscribe.

  3. @3 it was a team effort and I have to say they came out prety well considering we were fairly plastered

    @4 sounds like a dare while in NYC with camera.
    there’s a place just north of 125th and 7th

  4. In yet another snub by the online community you have left out the epoch-defining Farrah flick.

    On behalf of the entire community at, I would like to express my deep disappointment at this missed opportunity to pay homage to one of the great moments in hair of the 20th century.

    On a side note, I would also have loved to see Nalts sporting a Magnum ‘tache.

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