The Bipolar Blog

This blog was originally established to serve the needs of marketers and video creators. But since the URL is on each of my videos, many of the visitors come looking for something entirely different. So I’m in the midst of creating a two-part website. One that allows Nalts viewers to see his stuff and comment, and another that continues my blogging efforts to document the evolving online-video space.

In the past months I’ve been trying to do both, thus alienating my video viewers or the original blog audience I’ve been serving.

Now if I can just figure out how to create a website…

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  1. Nalts, you might like to look at my host Squarespace (out of New York) – very powerful and easy to use. Best part is – the Search Engines love it – I’m often at the top or on Page One of Google on some of my shit – sometimes within hours of posting – and that’s worth the lousy (entry level) $12 a month alone. You get an automatic Google Page Rank of 5 but some of my pages are pulling 3. You can try it for free for 30 days. Go to and click on the Squarespace button on my Navigation bar.

  2. I come here and YouTube to see you and read about you, so why fix something if it ain’t broke?

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