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Viral Video Special Effects Guru

davideo.jpgAs the plot continues in the GooTubeConspiracy, I needed to “fake my own death to throw off my stalkers.” So I called the viral video special-effects guru, Davideo Design. If you haven’t seen Pepsi Mentos Girl, then drop what you’re doing and visit his site immediately. Disturbing, funny and compelling content. Here’s Davideo’s page on Lulu which features his new “Troll Birthday.”

Davideo and Mrs. Davideo are a fantastic comedic pair. Once you start their videos it’s like eating Pringles. You’re going to probably finish the whole can.

Note: This video has disturbing footage on it, so keep the wee ones away. I sent Davideo a video of me dropping to the ground, and he carefully added bullets and blood frame by frame by frame. Here is the latest GooTubeVideo: Nalts Assasination. Edited by Kyle (who plays Loquesto).

Kyle has been shooting and editing many of the latest GooTubeConspiracy videos, which is why they are starting to look like television or film.

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  1. The editing was tight on that. So many people get that wrong and we’re all conditioned thru TV and Movies to expect good editing. It’s hard to do with a phone conversation. Nice job.

    The SFX were also very cool, but good SFX with bad editing is like spreading dog s**t on a delicious cake. In this case you splattered blood on a delicious cake…

    You’re right, you should never put that online.

  2. “Kyle has been shooting and editing many of the latest GooTubeConspiracy videos, which is why they are starting to look like television or film.” I thought you were going to say something else. The videos are getting better and better the more you do. I was really, really looking forward to seeing this 😀 He sure did an awesome job, it was hilarious.

  3. I love the GTC!!! Great footage. Kyle you are amazing at editing and the new FX were awesome (good job to Davideo)!!!

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