YouTube’s “Fred” to Appear on iCarly

Fred with Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus or iCarly or whateverI’m Fred’s dad (see video), and I didn’t know until I’d read Daisy Whitney’s Twitter that Fred is appearing on Nickelodian’s iCarly. I’m pretty sure iCarly is not the same person as Hanna Montana but she may be Miley Cyrus.

In any event, the Internet squeeky-voice YouTube viral sensation already shot his part of the production, but it’s not scheduled to air until February 2009. I sure hope he got some footage of Miley or whatever her name is.

Photo from Celebrity Interest blog. Turns out it’s a photo of Fred (Lucas Cruikshank) and iCarly (Miranda Cosgrove).

Here’s hoping this post doesn’t start a political debate.

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  1. MDJ, they let school out here in Austin at noon! Kinda freaking me out considering we’re more inland, but they were gearing up for the traffic influx. Hope you stay safe!

    I wonder what Fred would do in this situation? (trying to keep on topic here) ;o)

  2. @3 You too, xjasongarciax!? Dang- we’re gonna lose the hard core WVFF in a dang hurricane. Why couldn’t it have gone to Cuba. Nobody reads this blog in Cuba.

  3. ^ My parents bought this shack from the first little piggy whose house was blown down by the wolf. National weather service says we’ll be getting sustained 39 to 70 mph winds tomorrow night. Wonder how hard the wolf blew?

  4. @8 Of course he will be, what’s the matter with you!

    [singing] Vote Fred for President cuz he’s my hackin’ cuz! Fred will scare away the hurrican and save all of you from the big bad blowing hurrican IIIIIIIIIke! Vote Fred!

  5. so I went over to Daisy’s Twitter and feel like I just got spammed.

    Tell me, how can anyone follow any one who is following over 100 people?

    Daisy you have 24 hours to start twitter following me or I stop stalking you altogether!

    can you all hear how much she doesn’t care?

  6. Kevin, as Freds dad you should ban him from taking part in that brain dead activity. Really! But since you don’t have any teens you will be completely surprised when he tell you where and how far to stick it. 🙂

  7. ^ The tall pines have locked branches, swaying with the wind, singing “We shall overcome, Lord, we’re gonna smash your roof!”

    Hunker down time is still hours away. The FEMA tornado sirens haven’t gone off yet.

  8. that was nice kevin, but I think it would have been even funnier if you said “makes my nipples twitch.” “Nipples twitch” is funnier than “nipples pulse.” Sounds funnier. Is funnier.

    God, why can’t I get paid to do this shit? Now THAT would be the job of a lifetime.

  9. sukatra is right nalts. “Twitching” is funnier than “pulsing.” Way funnier. Kind of like how she is funnier than you. Way funnier.

  10. Fred,
    I think your videos are hilarious!!!!
    I would love to try and interview you
    if you make up your mind try to contact me


    Ben Lewis

  11. i am a big fan so place call me at 1718-553-4646 and if that do not work call 1718-930-8896 and ask for Keyarah

  12. Fred’s dad? Honour to meet you. I watched one of the Fred videos on a friends computer and it was SO funny! “I got a detention!” lol, love that video! XD

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