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WillVideoForFood Forum

forum-image.jpgThanks to the most excellent Jan and TrippleHelix, we now have a WillVideoForFood forum. It’s completely dark right now, but I hope you’ll step in and make comments. I want to grant admin rights to any of you that are regulars and want to help.

The ideas we’ve discussed for the forum:

  • Great new sites
  • Hot viral video news
  • New ways to monetize videos
  • Tips (and links) to making better videos

What else makes sense as a forum topic?

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  1. We could monitor how often we poop to see if you really do make videos that much. I bet with the crap most people eat you are more regular with your videos.

  2. I’m glad you set up your own WordPress site! I’ve been using WordPress on 3 different blogs that I maintain for a few years. I was wondering why you were using the wordpress hosted blog instead of your own hosting account.

    Good luck with the forums. I’ve tried them a few times and the spam was so bad I had to shut them down. I still have a couple of domain names that I can’t even use anymore because of the spammers.

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  4. hey everyone, sorry if I’m posting in the wrong place but I need some help.

    I few years ago I bought a timeshare at one of those high pressure sales pitches. I thought it was a good idea at the the time but now I can’t afford the maintenance fees and the property taxes i have to pay every year.

    Does anyone know of a place that can sell my timeshare for me? I’ve tried several listing companies with no luck. When I look on ebay there are timeshares going for $1. Is my timeshare that I payed a butt load for really only worth a dollar?


  5. Just wondering if anyone has any idea how much it would cost to liscence a Tom Petty song for a viral video for a small company?

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