Who Are You?

Got 5-10 minutes to fill out a brief survey so I know who’s watching and reading? Click here.

I couldn’t customize the questions, so here’s what I’m most after (and maybe you can comment below).

  1. Are you a creator, advertiser, viewer, media, industry watcher, etc? (All that apply).
  2. What are you interested in most? Contests, creator tips, marketing, new trends, predictions, funny videos?
  3. Less of, more of. What do you want to see less of on WVFF (or my videos) and what do you want to see more of?

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  1. I would like more technical tips, although since you use a Mac and I use a PC, maybe that wouldn’t help me! I’m just feeling my way along in making my videos and each time I make one I learn something new, but I’d like to learn even more. Even if you aren’t handing out the tips yourself, if you see something online that fits that description, just a link to it would be good.

    Any gossip about youtube would be also be good. Like why the f— they passed you over on partner sharing. (Notice my uncharacteristic restraint in dropping the f-bomb? I feel guilty swearing when brotherofnalts is going to read it.)

    In your videos, I would like to see more of you dancing (a la “White Bucks”). Because you are hilarious when you dance. I would also like to see more of you embarrassing yourself in public. And I don’t think you’ve burped in a video yet. So that would be good, too.

  2. 1. Viewer as of right now but I am interested in making my own videos at some point and time. I’ve also always wanted to get into video editing even if it’s just my own stuff.

    2. Funny videos mainly but I enjoy ones with creator tips, marketing, and new trends. Trying to get into some type of marketing career right now so I’ve been reading up on the topic as much as possible.

    3. Can’t comment on the site because I don’t see anything wrong with it. I’ve only found good information on it and I tend to go back to old posts just for the hell of it. As for videos, more prank calls. You have yet to disappoint me with one of your prank calls. The one where you put on the Aussie accent and started reading their slang from wikipedia was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. What I wouldn’t mind seeing less of are some of the videos where you get together with other youtubers. I’m all for hooking up with other youtubers and getting a broader audience but it doesn’t feel like I’m watching a nalts video.

    Hope this helps.

  3. 1. Are you a creator, advertiser, viewer, media, industry watcher, etc?
    I make videos on my toilet.

    2. What are you interested in most? Contests, creator tips, marketing, new trends, predictions, funny videos?
    Farts and potty humor.

    3. Less of, more of. What do you want to see less of on WVFF (or my videos) and what do you want to see more of?
    Less… renetto
    More… Farts & NutCheese!!!

  4. 1. Creator/viewer and maybe even industry watcher if you will define which industry you’re referring to.

    2. I’m most interested in creator tips ( imovie, Final Cut, QuickTime, Garageband, CS3 ), revenue sharing site marketing, new what’s-in-it-for-me trends, revenue sharing site predictions, software tools.

    3. Less about the social sites which are really about enriching the suits and more about how I can get better ROI.

  5. r u sure you linked to the right survey?

    1. all but advertiser

    2. trends, funny videos, opps to make fun of nalts

    3. less nothing (i can picknchoose), more cowbell

  6. 1. Are you a creator, advertiser, viewer, media, industry watcher, etc? (All that apply).
    viewer, media (tv news), industry watcher, creator

    2. What are you interested in most? Contests, creator tips, marketing, new trends, predictions, funny videos?
    new trends, marketing

    3. Less of, more of. What do you want to see less of on WVFF (or my videos) and what do you want to see more of?
    I love your videos the way they are. I enjoy that 1) your smart and funny 2) you know the industry and you’re interested in it the same way I am 3) I’m very interested to see where this whole user-created content and citizen journalism takes us (especially the news media).

  7. Oh!! Forgot to say, I love the 12 year old pranks, the juvenile jokes, and the way your wife looks at you when you’ve got something in the works!

    Farts make me laugh as well. I wish I was the inventor of the fart machine. I mean really……why didn’t I think of that?!


  8. “whoooooooooo…..are you? who who? ……..who? who?……..whooooooooooo….are you? …..i really wanna know?” . Nice song kevin,i didnt know you were in a who cover band? rock on dude!!

  9. I forgot to mention that I’m also interested in copyright issues and music sites where I can get good legal music. I’ve pretty much exhausted the incompetech.com site, and I’ve found that cc:mixter is a real pain in the ass. (I do like garageband though.) Do you ever mix your own music? Stuff about that would also be good.

    More collabs with BrotherofNalts, although that might be hard since he’s on the other side of the world. You do know he’s a threat to your subscriber base, don’t you? If he continues hitting people in the face with meat, he may replace you as my favorite youtuber. 🙂

  10. 1) I’m a video (unfunny) creator, who wants to start doing “teh funny”… just have to think up some non-technical ideas. I have ideas, but they are the kind that need $100,000 budgets, so I enjoy and admire watching what you do (baseballgeek is my YouTube ID). I only have one kid, and he can’t walk yet, so when I am able to exploit him in the manner you do your children, I will start immediately (ah comon, I kid!)

    2) I am interested in all that stuff (and, perhaps, an inside look at how you make your vids).

    3) More videos of you getting hit by various vehicles while hiding in trashcans, please.

  11. 1. Currently, I’m just a viewer, a Fan of Nalts, and a videomakerwannabe (as a hobby).

    2. It’s all good. I really appreciate the videomaking tips and all info. (general and specific) that you share. Mostly though, I check in for the humor. It doesn’t matter if it’s just you alone, or you’ve roped in your wife and/or kids, an unsuspecting bystander, another YouTuber, etc., you’ve got a knack at connecting with your viewers. Also, I really appreciate the fact that you work clean and create stuff that I can share with my twelve-year old.

    3. What I’d like to see more of is what first attracted me to your videos: the humorous situations you create and/or capture with the help of your family. But, honestly, you seem to be able to interject humor and entertainment into just about every video you create.

  12. 1. Are you a creator, advertiser, viewer, media, industry watcher, etc? (All that apply).
    Viewer baby! I love to watch your videos! I sure beats the GARBAGE on the Boob Tube!!!

    2.What are you interested in most? Contests, creator tips, marketing, new trends, predictions, funny videos?
    Marketing, because I want to market my own work. Even though it’s not the same media, I find it helps with my daily cranium push-ups. I adore your family vids. I love to watch them with my four year old Libby Lou Who. And I really think you need to take the plunge and make more vids with Spencer. That combination is priceless!!!! I don’t know why but I can’t get hooked on the Gootube Conspiracy.

    3. Less of, more of. What do you want to see less of on WVFF (or my videos) and what do you want to see more of? Your blog is great. I guess I can’t help you here.

  13. Are you a creator, advertiser, viewer, media, industry watcher, etc? (All that apply).
    I’m a media student – so I watch the industry and I view all kinds of media content for both entertainment and information. I’m not a professional media type though.

    What are you interested in most? Contests, creator tips, marketing, new trends, predictions, funny videos?
    I’m interested in everything, as it’s always good to have a nice variation of content.

    Less of, more of. What do you want to see less of on WVFF (or my videos) and what do you want to see more of?
    More behind-the-scenes bits of your videos and the videos you’re involved in would be great and maybe a little more focus outside the realm of internet video, to contextualise the online stuff within media in general (this is the media student in me talking). There is a heavy focus on America, so maybe a few more gems of the rest of the English-speaking world (cool videos etc.) and beyond. Oh, and change the banner so the ‘will video for food .com’ sign isn’t hidden behind the tabs 😛

    To be honest, you wouldn’t have so many people reading now if it weren’t doing great already!

  14. Q:Are you a ___, etc?

    Q:What are you interested in most?
    A: The funny videos where you are acting (e.g., truth is youthful nalts is actually crusty old nalts, the super fan of renetto, HappySlip Stalker, The haters poem, etc.)

    Q:What do you want to see less/More of?
    A: More videos. Awesome work so far. You havent jumped the shark yet. Just visit a Starbucks for some inspiration. Creative ideas abound…like…. how about…. ” the day I woke up invisible”, “I think my neighbor is a big foot” ” I’m going to become a pot-belly pig farmer”, “Who makes the best gravy fries”…and the list goes on ad infinitum…..

  15. 1. Currently stuck in a cubicle .. wannabee creator with not enough time on my hands.

    2. All but contests (though I do watch them to see what people do).

    3. I like the eclectic mix (sure I cringe at some of your vids). The content on WVFF is good, a lot of stuff I wouldn’t normally come across. As someone who’s not sure where they want to go with all this it’s a nice broad range.

  16. Creative ideas abound…like…. how about…. ” the day I woke up invisible”, “I think my neighbor is a big foot” ” I’m going to become a pot-belly pig farmer”,

    Above is a quote from ARTney (#16 above). I think these would make GREAT videos. Go for it Nalts!


  17. I too, am a creator of videos, director, editor, viewer and industry watcher. I would really like to work with a dedicated, humorous voice such as yours. I think that would be the ultimate. I am at my own disadvantage, isolated out here in the freakin’ desert.

    If it weren’t for your blog and videos though, I would not have found revver, which has kept me busy. I want to know more about why you still post on youtube? Why share the rev when you can see your videos for free?

    I’m sure, no matter what you come up with, it will be funny. I like the style, no matter what the message. So whatever your heart desires is alright with me. Even if you tried to do a dramatic reinactment, it will be funny.

    And keep me informed with marketing, contest and opportunities that you find. I depend on you as a trusted source.

  18. Hmm… The link didn’t seem to make sense, now I’m noticing people’s answers HERE so:

    1. I’m a musician who also likes being funny from time to time. Being funny seems to help get me noticed (and sells drinks at the bars and coffeehouses). I’ll do ads if the price is right or I have a great idea for a contest.

    2. Overall five things interest me on video sites: Funny videos, music, contests, tips, and… ummm… oh, the last thing is only for xTube!

    3. WVFF and your videos are fine as-is (or would that be “as-are” since it’s plural?).

  19. 1. I am currently a watcher but your creator tips are becoming a bad influence and I am thinking about creating my own videos.

    2. I like all of your vids. I am most interested in the practical jokes and funny videos but I appreciate all of them.

    3. Less apologizing to the people who get offended. They choose to watch. Unless they are paying to watch, who cares. Tell them to get thicker skin.
    More practical jokes. I love to see the complex jokes that must be thought of well in advance. Farting in Public is still my favorite.

    Good luck, Kevin. I personally think you are great! Your videos keep me sane at work.

  20. 1. I am a creator, advertiser, viewer, and media person.

    2. What are you interested in most? Contests, creator tips, marketing, new trends, predictions, funny videos? All of these interest me. I am looking to create my own VIRAL videos now, and have basically just started out.

    3. Less of, more of. What do you want to see less of on WVFF (or my videos) and what do you want to see more of? Nalts, you should share how to promote videos.

    I know that a video can become Viral all by itself just because it is good, but there must be a fair amount of promotion that has to be done to begin with. I currently have 24 subscribers and average 100-300 views per video. Did you begin by inviting people to subscribe, or people just flocked to you because you are so great?

    I will have my “purple cow”! I WILL!

  21. Einstein dies and goes to heaven only to be informed that his room is not yet ready. “I hope you will not mind waiting in a dormitory. We are very sorry, but it’s the best we can do and you will have to share the room with others” he is told by the doorman.
    Einstein says that this is no problem at all and that there is no need to make such a great fuss. So the doorman leads him to the dorm. They enter and Albert is introduced to all of the present inhabitants. “See, Here is your first room mate. He has an IQ of 180!”
    “That’s wonderful!” says Albert. “We can discuss mathematics!”
    “And here is your second room mate. His IQ is 150!”
    “That’s wonderful!” says Albert. “We can discuss physics!”
    “And here is your third room mate. His IQ is 100!”
    “That’s wonderful! We can discuss the latest plays at the theater!”
    Just then another man moves out to capture Albert’s hand and shake it. “I’m your last room mate and I’m sorry, but my IQ is only 80.”
    Albert smiles back at him and says, “So, where do you think interest rates are headed?”

  22. 1. I am a creator, viewer, and I own a media resource/review project called Fall of Autumn. (fallofautumn.com)
    2. I am most interested in creator tips, marketing and your usually funny videos. =)
    3. Not sure anything has gotten out of hand and needs to be “less of”ed, but I wouldn’t mind more of the Writers or similar ongoing series. And I laugh anytime I hear the words “emo” and “loser” uttered…

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