What is WillVideoForFood?

I’m getting swarms of traffic from the YouTube feature, so I thought I owed it to new visitors to explain this blog briefly. It focuses on the online video space — especially for creators of videos or those who are looking to advertise and market via viral video. My goal is to use this blog to help video creators make money and advertisers to reach consumers in the relatively new world of consumer-generated video.

I review online sites, interesting case studies, industry trends… and then I shamelessly plug my own videos wherever possible. RSS this siteĀ if it’s your thing.

If you’re just interested in Nalts videos (and not his blog blabbering), check theabout me section for more of my videos and stuff. Or visit my video site, CubeBreak.com. Or Chapter11TV.com (it’s going to be bigger than LiveVideo and YouTube combined).

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