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What is This Blog?

spencer.jpgFarting in Public” was just featured on the homepage of YouTube (thanks, editors!). This is my second time featured (last was for Viral Video Genius).

So this is a brief post to explain WillVideoForFood.com to curious YouTubers.

WillVideoForFood.com is a blog devoted to online video. The site was designed to help video creators monetize their work through online video sites. It also addresses trends in online video, video creation, and video creation. Occasionally it highlights a video — especially if it’s an opportunity to plug my own work.

Sorry to put you regular readers through that.

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  1. Just saw you on the front page, and left a congrats comment on the vid, but I just had to leave another one here. Second time featured in how many months? Seems like you may have broke some kind of record! Yay nalts! You rock!

  2. It’s so nice to read some nice comments from people I know. I’ve spent a good chunk of the afternoon cleansing the comments from stuff a teenager shouldn’t see!

  3. Haters nalts? Give em some hater-aide and tell em to drink the hate away…

    Sorry if that sounds corny as hell but I just got home after 12 hours of lectures and trying not to fall asleep during midterms.

  4. Quote from a case on nuisance horse farting that went all the way up to the Montana Supreme Court in the 80s: “…these egregious divestitures of abdominal gas, resounding like shotgun blasts through the otherwise peaceful hills and dales of Big Sky, Montana…”

    (I used the quote in my humor column on the St. Mary’s University student newspaper and have never forgotten them since)

    I say all this to remind you, Kevin, that farting, human or otherwise, has been a bane on civilization for as long as I can remember. It’s a volatile subject. A hundred million Americans suffer from Faux Defacation Syndrome. Please handle responsibly.

  5. I remember your very first fart video, Kevin. You used real farts in those days, not these modern synthetic things. And you did the work yourself. Ah, those were the halcyon days.

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