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Vloggerheads: Country Club or Safe Haven?

Jenna Wortham writes a balanced piece about the controversial Vloggerheads.com website, spawned by Renetto (a popular YouTube creator). My previous post on Vloggerheads generated more comments than any other post I’ve written. And, for that matter, brought controversy among a tight-knit group of regular WVFF commenters that usually play off each other like a well-oiled comedy troupe. Group hug?

I hope that whether you’re annoyed by Vloggerheads, or celebrate it as a new safe-haven for a tight virtual community… that you can still appreciate the irony of this random screen shot I took this morning. This just happened to be the most recent videos posted as of 7:30 am on Saturday.

What do almost all of these guys have in common!? I know where I’d advertise if I sold hair transplants.

Now guys don’t get upset. I’ve been known to do whatever it takes to be like Renetto myself. He has that quality. Hold on a second, I have to buy a candle online. Okay I’m back.

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  1. 1. Thanks for crediting me as the person who turned you on to the article, buddy. It’s nice to be appreciated for one’s contribution to this blog.
    2. I had no idea that your previous post generated so much drama, or perhaps more accurately described as a bunch of blowhards metaphorically arguing about who’s dick is bigger (whichever way you want to interpret it).
    3. Having read the comments on that post, I now feel better about myself knowing that so much drama can be generated without me egging it on. I’m not always the trouble-making bitch here, folks.
    4. There is no number 4.
    5. I stole number 4 from other nalts lists.

  2. Oh yeah, not that anybody’s interested, but my kid started running back and forth through the living room of my extremely tiny house at 4 this morning, and every time I told him to go back to bed he would scream like a dolphin being slaughtered.

    I’m thinking of investing in a straight jacket and a ball gag. Anybody know any good retail outlets where I can buy both at a discounted price?

  3. @3
    There’s a good place on Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood, sukatra, a little hard to find as it has live BDSM audience participation shows at night, but it’s right behind the Russian grocery store through the alley. Ask around. The locals know it.

    As for the subject of this blog post, I just can’t talk about it any more. The subject makes me feel dirtier than a one night stand in Bangkok (in the bargain alley–Texas Street–ask the locals, they’ll point the way).

  4. And yes, before you ask, when I was working for The Rand Corporation, I was required to screw the locals.

  5. I’ll tell you what they all have in common. They all look like Mikma, or some variation to Mikma. If there are that many Mikmas on that stupid website, I would probably shoot myself before I ever read any of the comments.

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  7. It is a gated community, not a country club. The web site does not have a golf course. I was accepted into the Stack Overflow Beta site so that makes me a very important person.

  8. [click] to see Nalts 20 years from now.

    brilliant but weird but brilliant
    but weird but brilliant but weird
    but brilliant but weird but brilliant
    but weird but brilliant but weird
    but brilliant but weird but brilliant

  9. For the record, Sukatra turned me onto the article. Nutcheese, Jan and some others turned me on to Vloggerheads. And Marquis found tubicide! 🙂

  10. I actually visit and post on this site because I like it – it’s one of like 3 or 4 sites on the internet that I do that with. Everything else is promotion.

    I do 1-2 new clips a week and my name always points to my website, which has the last one… so I will write the word click from time to time or something 🙂

  11. This and my daughter’s blog from Germany (which has sat idle a long time, and she is now in USA again) are the only two blogs I regularly visit and post on.

    Of course I’m a nobody, so that doesn’t mean anything.

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