Videogame Violence & Your Children (Parody PSA)

This video has been in discussion for months and months, and I gotta give props to SlatersGarage and Iggy35 for continuing to provide pieces for it, as I stalled on it. CharlesTrippy, FallofAutumnDistro and Edbassmaster all turned around their parts with about 24-hours notice or less!

The idea hit me earlier this year, and it was going to be a fake news report about violence, where you’re supposed to believe it’s condemning violence. But then the clips get stranger and stranger. Then it seemed like the 1940-style public service announcements (PSA) made more sense, and the campy music makes a nice contrast to the simulated violence… Frogger getting run over, Mario’s head falling off, Dora the Explorer shouting “sniper says no sniping.”

Credit to my nephew who helped develop the concept and even provided some gurgling sound effects for it.

Seems to have been worth the effort given early response. I haven’t had too many of my videos shoot to the top-20 best rated videos within hours. THANKS co-collaborators!

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  1. I seriously have to be in a good video like this some day. Just think, if I already get 11 subscribers for just having 4 seconds in a Nalts video (“bad Nalts bears”), I’d probably get like 100 if i was in a good colab!

  2. I should send in my supernote… after recording it (shut up, I have two weeks or so to get it done), maybe that’ll help my subscriber count.

    oh, and nalts, glad to prompt a “thank goodness” with my insult.

  3. Nothing annoys me more than people who use the wrong “their, they’re and there” and/or the wrong “two, to, and too”.
    Here’s your sentence:

    “I haven’t had two many of my videos…”

    Are you doing this just to drive me crazy, Nalts?

  4. Dear Maryland,

    We have missed you’re contributions hear sew sew much. Wear oh wear have you been? I have been just two lonely for words.

    Ewe must knot leave us alone like that again, for oui sob and nash our tooths, witch is bad because Eye cannot afford the dental bills.

    Yore friends,

    The gramaticaly-chalenged WVFF contributers

  5. I loved the glasses slater and the puking made me laugh, of course I never get enough of that look of shock on Jo’s face
    well done Kevin and crew- spread to soccermoms blogs

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