Video Blog Consumes Guy’s Life (iChannel)

one.jpgA video blog takes over a young man’s life. iChannel is a continuing interactive web series where subscribers’ comments can affect the story. It’s one of the fastest growing YouTube accounts and they’re up to episode eleven.

Great acting for this serialized video. And I want a cameo.

Thanks to Jill and Tom for bringing this to my attention.

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  1. i better digg for more info regarding this post. thanks nalts!

    (ill add you in my blogroll list as well.. more power to you)

  2. I’ve heard of this, but haven’t checked it out, yet. I’ll definitely do so!

  3. It would be an act of desperation for me to ask them for a cameo. Posting on my blog that I’d love one? That’s different. Hee.

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