Ugly Shirt Day: Jan. 15, 2010

I’ve proclaimed it “Ugly Shirt Day” on January 15. There’s not much else going on this month, so why not? Dig into your wardrobe for the nastiest-looking shirt you can find, and e-mail a photo of you wearing it to Be sure to name the photo with your username (YouTube or other) so I can credit you. And you never know… someone may want to buy that ugly shirt.

Send it by Wednesday (Jan. 13) if you can. In fact, just go do it now before you forget!

I’ll post the video on January 15 (Friday), so if people give you grief for wearing the shirt that day, you can simply tell them to piss of and do a YouTube search for “Ugly Shirt Day.”

Let the games begin!

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  1. hey Kevin, better keep a few things, can’t walk around naked or in this weather with no clothes

    toss that green striped shirt in the pile first

  2. OMG I was honestly thinking about using that miserable green shirt, which has been in my videos since my Revver days. We were just last night looking at my oldest videos on Revver.

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