Tuesday’s Tweets: My Last 7 Days of Nonsense

  • Good cake at #digpharm Cluetrain's @dsearls is making us think. #
  • "come from yourselves not your company" Doc Searls @dsearls at #digpharm #
  • Gave Outsourced the TV show another shot. It's quite growing on me. No Modern Family but I had 3 LOLs and I wasn't in the best mood. #
  • I'm totally binging on Ricky Gervais podcasts. Worried about when I'm done. Wish I could forget them instantly and have another listen. #
  • Please help Ricky Gervais convince Karl Pilkington to do Idiot Abroad again. http://tinyurl.com/35nksoz RT!!! #
  • Balding? You may be welcome on Christopher Street but not Sesame Street. Racists. http://tinyurl.com/37ha9bw #
  • What was your favorite age? 8? 12? 25? 30? #favoriteAge WHY??? #
  • Me and @dralanbauman teaching hair transplant peeps about social at #ishrs18th http://twitpic.com/2zjj0z #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video — Dog vs Pig vs Turtle http://youtu.be/htqKqJPKnjw?a #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video — Nalty Speaks http://youtu.be/j1Ta0umdw8g?a #
  • Hair transplant doctors from all over the globe ran their fingers thru my hair today in Boston.Quite odd but they liked SurgeonOfNalts work. #
  • Prediction: By 2014 we'll be able to DVR our dreams and share them if we wish. It will revolutionize art! #
  • Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy. #guessbook #
  • Meg, Beth, Amy and Jo #guessbook #
  • John, Michael, Wendy #guessbook #
  • Nancy, Bill, Dodger, Fagin #guessbook #
  • Matthew, Luke, Mark and John #guessbook #
  • Shay, Charles, Justine, Jodie #guessbook #
  • I just spoke to @Pipistrello of Puerto Rico! Hasn't lost his Phily accent but he's in paradise on Earth. 🙂 #
  • I'm home! Apparently our pig learned to knock on the door with his hoof. Brilliant animals. They'll rule the planet post apocalypse. #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video — Welc-oink Home http://youtu.be/jca971xg5jc?a #
  • Signed copy of Beyond Viral at the Doylestown bookstore. 🙂 #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video — SMALLEST PIG EVER http://youtu.be/fzyyMzgkJ5I?a #
  • Rupert the pig? How's that for a name. Here he is leaving. http://twitpic.com/30lgnl #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video — Pig Wreck Tree http://youtu.be/0VbR_d39OOQ?a #
  • Lady Gaga passed one billion views on YouTube. 5 times my views but he's a better looking man than me and he sings. #
  • Updated http://www.naltsconsulting.com. What ya think besides missing banner? #
  • Life is so much better when the sun is shining. Thanks God. If you're an atheist than thanks… Um… Chance. #
  • He collects belly button lint. Cool. http://tinyurl.com/22jmnba #
  • Guess what!? I get to be in a video with @realaskaninja! Just got a call from Ken. Wahoooo! Dream come true. Now SNL! #
  • Easter egg alert! Latest video on http//www.YouTube.com/unclenalts has link in description to Taylor Swift Kanye West duet!!! #
  • I was depressed in Boston but now I'm caught up on sleep. Never underestimate the power of rest. #
  • Can YouTube help non-profits? Sean Cannell and Tim Schmoyer discuss it and Beyond Viral. http://bit.ly/YouTubeNonProfits #
  • Katie serves in volleyball. Dad tries not to embarrass her. http://twitpic.com/30vkjy #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video — 10 Thingies http://youtu.be/XBo2bntaz08?a #

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