Tuesday’s Tweets: My Last 7 Days of Nonsense

  • I uploaded a YouTube video — Best Video Bloggers on YouTube http://youtu.be/TwB4uSmCpBA?a #
  • Learning autotune using @katinatreesee #
  • Christmas gift to me on way! GOOGLETV via Sony 46 inch TV. WAHOO http://bit.ly/GOOGLETVSONY #
  • Let's devolve together. My adaptation of Darwin's evolutionary progress. http://twitpic.com/3e1a0l #
  • You're devolving. Yey! http://fb.me/MT4hqFi1 #
  • Congratulations on becoming a YouTube partner @Katinatreesee. Don't forget to sign up at wawa weenk nyo nyo meeep dot com. #
  • Survival of the Twittest. Print THAT on a shirt @stalkerofnalts. #
  • Wanted to be grownup. Take NYC subway. Bought app. Got lost. 2 hrs later, back at Penn station. NYC trains 1. Nalts 0. #
  • Oh NJ Rail take me out of this Salvador Dali flu nightmare you call NYC public transport. No more unchaperoned tri http://twitpic.com/3e6lus #
  • VIDEO: GRENADE Parody ReJECTed http://tmogul.com/tweet/Yx_zj #
  • May shoot drunk-Santa prank (no kids). What would the recently-fired mall Santa mumble to himself? Not in Santa character obviously. #
  • Anyone else having awful time logging into @YouTube past 24 hours regardless of account browser or device? #
  • Forgot to invite someone to a party? Feeling guilty? I'll cover for you: http://bit.ly/InviteFail #
  • VIDEO: True Meaning of Christmas http://tmogul.com/tweet/lzW3j #
  • Want to have Dan Pink's autograph on your copy of my "Beyond Viral" book? It's free: http://www.danpink.com/bp #
  • Which kid were you? I know I'm old, but I thought you guys were out of school. @thefinebros @epicwinftw in reply to thefinebros #
  • Search YouTube's comments for the word "Fart" with one click. To think I GIVE this stuff away…. http://bit.ly/SearchFartonYouTube #
  • Groupon = "‘N Sync Of Websites” http://t.co/hgba1ae via @techcrunch Yeah and I'm the Bob Saget of YouTube. #
  • I think every teenager with an iPhone needs this for the holiday gift. http://bit.ly/iPhoneYAWNCase (but I'm, yawn, biased). BORING! #
  • Kate Plus Eight release "best Christmas fights" DVD http://youtu.be/mXW0IHfjk3g #
  • The nice thing about re-gifting last year's bottle of 2007 Pinot Noir is it's worth more. Maybe less true of last year's fruitcake. #
  • There are actually only 49 fruitcakes in regift circulation. None are younger than 11 years. #
  • I've saved a lot of money on typewriter ribbons since Twitter went digital. #
  • Goodnight my brother with another mother. #
  • Can someone make sure Bruno Mars sees this piece of shit? http://youtu.be/_PQ9l4tU7-8 #
  • Just read a comment from someone named Rachel that likes my facial hair. So yeh. #
  • Hush. I'm listening to Julia Nunes. Bought her on iTunes. #
  • Watched this in driveway before going inside to bed. Nunes you're awesome. http://youtu.be/_itJ5cVQjeU #
  • Go now and sub to TheJessyKShow. Funny as hell real-life comic taking @youtube by storm. #
  • I'm probably gonna ask Clinton do my next YouTube video. #
  • Y'all vote for Heady please? Applaud her for quitting smoking and making "MS her bitch" TAPP http://tappco.de/a35aY-ccYjk @Heady1313 in reply to Heady1313 #
  • Who? Is that a cat? @robdehaven @stevegarfield (yeah we wrote books in the same @Davidmscott series And it's COLD here but no fog. in reply to robdehaven #
  • I don't care what THEY say. You're the majutiest. http://twitpic.com/3exr0v #
  • The iPad 2 is going to have 2 cameras, a phone, and time-travel capability so I can go back to college and fix some regrets. #
  • But #ifsantawasblack it would be un-pc for white people to dress up like him, and then how would I make $11 an hour at the malls? HOW? #
  • Watching Charlie Brown's Christmas Special. It's still as touching and boring as I remember it from childhood. #
  • A holiday gift for your spoiled "jelly fingers" kid. Learn 'em to tell time wrongly. http://learningclock.ofnalts.com/ #
  • At party. Went to basement alone to watch YouTube. My wife found me. How'd she know!? #
  • Don't tell my brother in law but his holiday party is so boring. I usually sneak home or fall asleep in an upstairs bedroom under coats. #
  • Let's keep it real. A bad day online is better than a great day with IRL people. Who's with me? #
  • I wonder when my inlaws will discover this. http://twitpic.com/3f53je #
  • Some poor dude just picked our secret Santa Pollyanna gift. Toilet ape. http://twitpic.com/3f54gj #
  • Here's what I'm buying @stalkerofnalts for Christmas. A few grand worth of Canon accessories. Or not. http://canonaccessories.ofnalts.com/ #
  • How to pick best videocamera for 2011? I just made this draft website to help people. FEEDBACK welcome! http://shootlikepro.ofnalts.com/ #

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