Tuesday’s Tweets: My Last 7 Days of Nonsense
- Naltswim http://twitpic.com/39k06k #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Pool Shark http://youtu.be/TSlTGaRwDFY?a #
- Sprained right foot? Or something else? http://twitpic.com/39ur6p #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Balcony Fall http://youtu.be/ZW1BBuAqiVY?a #
- Ewww. My foot is puffy and changing colors. Stupid balcony. http://twitpic.com/3a2xpg #
- Yeyyy Thanksgiving Day travel!! http://twitpic.com/3a6eyc #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Oh Freddy Tree http://youtu.be/FwnWPafQshg?a #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Out Takes of NNN Spotlight http://youtu.be/iX0ymJwc9aE?a #
- Do I need to get an xray or is this just a stupid foot sprain? http://twitpic.com/3aerje #
- Bored? 10 of my own videos I like best. You can rip 'em for free too. http://vidster.ofnalts.com/ @vidster #
- Happy Birthday JENNIFER! Oh wait you don't use twitter. Maybe Matz will tell you. Oh heck- I'll call. You are my sister. #
- http://twitpic.com/3aerje – Not yet. Still on balcony if you're brave enough @forevamber #
- Seriously if you don't watch Modern Family, go watch every episode. It's the only show I can recommend without any qualifications. #
- Does it ever feel to you like only about 12 of us use Twitter? #
- Watching iCarly and my gnarly foot is kinda throbbing. http://bit.ly/gnarlyFOOT #
- Yey FourSquare finally comes in handy. @pipistrello is coming over. Gnarly feet won't stop me from a gentleman caller. in reply to pipistrello #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — GNARLY foot EXPOSED! http://youtu.be/oQOuqTZcobg?a #
- If someone you know mostly from social media (like @Zipster08) died tonight, how would the information spread? #
- I love that Twitter told me "people similar" to @nutcheese include @blargal. #
- Okay now I'm getting nervous about people dying. Sukatra's alive.@ _bson_- probably. Rey- check. Lemonette? #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — If YouTuber Dies? http://youtu.be/9PBkvoQAksA?a #
- Oh wait- here's a solution. Say "eye" if you're still alive! We'll know you're still kicking (but you may just be dreaming). #
- http://twitpic.com/3ak70u #
- The crack cocaine of YouTube statistics: http://wp.me/p7Vf6-1WT @MYU2B @Renetto #
- Keurig K-Kup by Folgers? That's like a Starbucks "Dunkin Flavored" coffee. Marketing 101: "Fancyname" (by Folgers) not "Folgers Gourmet." #
- Sanford & Son collected junk. And grew pot. Fo real. http://bit.ly/SanfordSonijuana #
- Wait @podcasting101 is still alive? I thought @smpfilms killed him at 777. #
- Hey @zackscott. @daneboe called. He said lose the pineapple thumbnail for a month then bring it back in 2011 as "retro" gesture. #
- Kinda regretting accepting foursquare friend request from ImgonnaROByourHOUSE2738. #
- Spongebob's Musical Doodle Earworm: http://bit.ly/doddoooo #
- Chief Wannafieldgoal likes computer painting. @grantbw Photo: Arecibo, Puerto Rico (by Minno Ramirez) http://tumblr.com/xtbs67j22 in reply to grantbw #
- Wifeofnalts and Freddy http://twitpic.com/3ary0t #
- Trying to stop it is futile. So listen now to the musical doodle (Spongebob's earworm)…. http://fb.me/BHhWyHvR #
- http://twitpic.com/3ary0t – Oh shoot. Freddy IS stoned. Now think… was it Renetto, Reyeuro or SMPFilms? #
- I love you @CrappyCartoons for remembering that Paul IS a tool. @renetto @nutcheese in reply to CrappyCartoons #
- Just discovered @BurkeLife. May want to check 'em out: http://www.youtube.com/burkelife #
- You can invite anyone on the planet to your "parasocial dinner party." Who would you have? #parasocialdinnerparty #
- For sheer laughs, I'd pick these fellas: http://bit.ly/ParaSocialDinnerParty #
- If you're looking for meat and veggies at the Twitter Cafe, follow @DeepakChopra. I'll provide the after-dinner mints. in reply to DeepakChopra #
- YouTuber Messymya's funeral in New Orleans http://videos.nola.com/times-picayune/2010/11/messy_mya_funeral.html #
- http://twitpic.com/3b294b – Oh that wasn't an ad. Cool graphics. #
- From now on I'm going to take an original photo for each blog post at https://willvideoforfood.com. Check out my latest two.
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Donkey Bites Charlie http://youtu.be/1s_0fwtTUs0?a #
- VIDEO: Gum Tree http://tmogul.com/tweet/HzvEe #
- Congrats to @jakeandamir @collegehumor for the Entertainment Weekly cover story! http://bit.ly/jakeamirEW #
- Congratulations to Jake and Amir (CollegeHumor Jake & Amir show) for the COVER story on Entertainment Weekly. http://fb.me/AcFghjtM #
- Why Google "retargeting" banners > Santa Claus… http://bit.ly/SantaRetargets #
- Video: 4-year-old plants chewed gum. Tree grows with freshly-wrapped pieces, ripe for picking. http://bit.ly/GumTree #
- Better late than never. @bobjenz out-Sandlers Adam Sandler. Poor Uncle Ted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytBSUCerfMc #
- Still don't know what's up with my foot (sprain?) but Flector Patch is so awesome. #
- "That's not Miranda Cosgrove singing." "Yes it is Dad." "Then why isn't it on iTunes?" "Nothing is on iTunes, Dad. iTunes is a fail." #
- I earned the Globe Trotter(10) sticker on @GetGlue! http://is.gd/hYgVd #
- Bob Woodward is on Larry King talking eerily slow. He plays a crappy Robert Redford. #
- Don't tell anyone that uses Facebook, but it sucks. The only thing I can figure out is the birthdays and ads. #
- Proof that it's not about who you follow, it's about their profile pictures. Wow what a collection. http://twitpic.com/3bhuvs #
- My wife is playing some crap on ABC that is combining Christmas and Country. It's like kid songs and yodeling. Ammonia and clorox. #
- Could someone please tell my wife to turn off this bloody country ABC crap? http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=757332732 #
- Who's up for a chat? Join me @ http://tinychat.com/ziggyiscute – 6 others are already here #
- I uploaded a YouTube video — Video Phone CONSPIRACY http://youtu.be/nndD69ex4iU?a #