Trend Spotting: Tag-Team Vlogging… Brothers, Awesome Girls, Guys, Kids and Dogs.
It’s the hottest new trends in video vlogging since ZeFrank jumped the shark. A video channel shared by multiple people, each of whom takes a certain day of the week. The possibilities are endless.
Thought it’s probably an art form that has roots in the 1700s, this was mainstreamed by BrotherHood 2.0, where two brothers shared a channel for a year and communicated almost exclusively on a public stage. Then along came FiveAwesomeGirls, in which each vlogger takes a day of the week (they rest and shop on the weekend). Not to be outdone, the second-most intelligent gender came out with FiveAwesomeGuys.
We started 7AwesomeKids, and now there’s 5AwesomeDogs (here’s their canine debut).
What’s next?
I started 5boringpeople. 🙂 (We actually have 7 people though 😉 )
There’s also:
SevenAwesomeReadersOfWillVideoForFood.Com. Oh wait, that can’t be right. There aren’t seven of us.
2awesomereadersofwvff. Fewer people read this blog in a day than watch my stupid auto load video on youtube.
LOL there is also 5awesomegays, fiveawesomegeeks
Hey Kev, thanks for blogging about us! =)