Treadmill Dancing in Okay Go’s “Here it Goes Again”
OKGo’s “Here it Goes Again” exploded to a million views in 5 days. Check out the video by clicking the frame, or visit their website at
Really fun to watch, and a catch tune.
What? Hear all of these peeps at once? And they’re talking about Bluetooth marketing and VOOKS! What’s a Vook? Daisy Whitney (Queen of emerging media), Tim Street (writer of recent and free eBook, 10-things-to-do before uploading a video) the “fabulous-faced” Shira Lazar sponsored Australian warrior & Southern Comfort pitchman, Scotty Iseri and me (Nalts) Listen…
I bought a pack of letters yesterday and decided to make a t-shirt. But there weren’t enough of each letter to say much. So I invited YouTubers to help in a video that I planned to delete. I was only going to leave the video live for a few hours, but I fell asleep and…
This Today show report highlights Lauren Luke, a single mom from England who found fame via YouTube make-up tutorials. Now she’s making money on YouTube, and has launched her own makeup line with Sephora. Her own makeup talents are more evident by her glowing face in the in the live shot than the interview clips…
I’m not sure what they put on your issue of Time magazine, but my copy says I’m the “Person of the Year.” From Time (with a few editorial embeleshments): …Look at 2006 through a different lens and you’ll see another story, one that isn’t about conflict or great men. It’s a story about community and…
I’ve decided to pay my kids $1 for each hour they play videogames. My wife isn’t too happy, but my sons are thrilled. Turns out we’ve got this thing called “internal drive,” and money screws it up. According to Dan H. Pink’s book (Drive), there have been numerous studies on how external rewards can actually…
New video site.. is “the new home of revolutionary media content that will incite laughter, sorrow, rage, fear, and even pleasure in every way possible.” The site promises to “trigger every receptor in the human mind capable of revelation to help solve even the deepest and darkest of mysteries.” The site debuts with The…