Tips for Filmmakers and Video Production

Nice piece in indie wire featuring Edwards Burn, where he talks about the beauty of low-cost production. No booms, lights, or film. Just a Canon 5D and a small budget. And the ideas? Crowdsourced.

P.S. My birthday is May 12 in case you wanted to buy me a Canon 5D. It’s less than $3500. If all of my susbcribers chipped in, it’d be a fraction of a penny. If all of my active viewers chipped in it would be just $35 each. If all of the readers of WillVideoForFood chipped in, it’d only be $3500 each.

what digital camera does edward eddy burns use
Edwards Burn uses a consumer SLR still camera to film his low-budget movies

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  1. Dude, $3500 is way overpriced. You can buy the awesome 5D mark II (newer model) brand new for $2700 from Adorama or B&H.

    You can probably get a 5D in great condition (maybe even new) on eBay for under a grand.

    I’m waiting for the 5D mark III to come out later this year.

  2. Oh, never mind. I see you linked to the 5DmkII (sold with a lens) instead of a 5D body. There’s quite a big difference between the models–try to avoid mixing them up.

  3. Tell ya what, pull some strings with youtube and get them to reconsider not contacting me for NextUp and I’ll get you the camera nalts. Deal? 🙂

  4. You can start small(er), with the Canon T2i, Sony SLT-55A or Nikon D90 with a decent and capable 35-50mm f.2 lens (ditch the kit lens) for less than $1000. Just add story, shake, and serve. The Sony even does a very capable autofocus.

  5. The 5D mark II is also a DSLR, but shoots great video. In fact, entire episodes of House M.D. have been shot with just 5DmkIIs.

  6. I just use my crappy $200 camera for videos,but then i like to make crappy videos,so it works out pretty well 😉

  7. Super timely article. Read this Saturday, went to shoot my own video and forgot my lav mic. Fortunately I had my iPhone and mini external mic for it with me. Held it in my hand by my side (out of sight) and it got the job done.

  8. Nalts, I think you have more than one reader because your U.S. Traffic Rank according to Alexa is 67,023, meaning you probably have like 2 or 3 readers 😉

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