They Should Have Made Him Watch “The Hulk” for 3 Days Straight

From the LA Times courtesy of New Media Musings:

A federal judge sentenced Kerry Gonzalez, a 24-year-old insurance underwriter, to six months of home confinement for posting a rough version of the movie “The Hulk” on the Internet two weeks before the film hit theaters in June.

U.S. District Judge Gerard E. Lynch in New York also gave Gonzalez three years of probation, fined him $2,000 and ordered him to pay $5,000 in restitution to Vivendi Universal Entertainment, parent company of Universal Studios, which released the movie. Gonzalez had faced up to three years in prison and a fine of $250,000 for felony copyright infringement.

Editor’s note: What would have the fine been if the movie didn’t suck? 

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One Comment

  1. Its a good deal for the studio they made more on the fine than the did on the box office receipts in the movies 4th week (a joke but I bet its close for the 7th week). In serious news the movie series is not dead ( link maybe by the time the new film is ready Marvel (who has taken over the rights for the next movie) will use a little viral video marketing to show that the new film will not stink so bad.

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