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The Day YouTube Died

Lots of buzz in the YouTube community about recent changes toward professional content, but this is perhaps the most profound. Here’s the vlogbrothers, backed by dozens of backup singers. It’s a version of “American Pie,” and it reflects on the potential of YouTube going professional.

This is the 7th highest rated video of the day (despite the Scottish lady, who really has gone a bit overboard), and it has nearly 2,000 comments.

If Google was to battle the Nerdfighters (who are rallied by vlogbrothers, and are on a mission to reduce world suck), then I’d have to put my money on the latter.

This comment from WVFF back row’s Jan was worth scraping from below and adding here: “relax a bit, take a deep breath then get active. Do colab crap like this, promote each other, read Kevin’s book, get organized. That’s what social networking is all about, right?

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  1. Loved it! I, too, keep trying to insert the original lyrics, as well as Weird Al’s, but overall a job well done, IMHO.

  2. I don’t know why, well yes I do, and I know in the grand scheme of things it matters not what I think, but that aside, I just don’t like this guy. I think his brother’s ok, but this particular guy…

    anyway, it was a valiant effort and I’ll have to ask Peter Coffin if the music was a copyright violation?

    Frankly, I’ve seen little change on the “all new” You Tube, so this video’s intention leans a little to the left of whiners for me.

    I subscribed to who/whom (maryland?) I subscribe and once in a while when searching for something else I get a lucky hit and find something exceptional or stupidly funny, get a link from you kind folks or someone else in my vast e-mail empire. People are always willing to share something good.

    So I say if they are down and out about the “all new” You Tube ask sukatra for some drugs, relax a bit, take a deep breath then get active. Do colab crap like this, promote each other, read Kevin’s book, get organized. That’s what social networking is all about, right?

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