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Wow! This Queen song sounds better than Ever! The guy in the video is pretty good too ….if u like lip synching
that’s not lip syncing that guy’s for real –
Ew, why is all the text in bold now?
That’s amazingly accurate lip syncing if he’s not for real.
Woah comment text in BOLLLLDDDD
He’s a good imitator and also a good singer.
To fix the bold:
Note: I’m putting HTML tags in (parentheses) instead of proper angle brackets so that your code doesn’t get screwed up even more.
1. Cause: Somehow you have an extra (strong) tag after “Marc’s Band” with no closing (/strong) tag anywhere.
2a. Solution A: Edit, regular (non-HTML) view, highlight:
Marc’s Band
Unbold it. If you wish, re-highlight and re-bold.
If that doesn’t work:
2b. Solution B: Edit, HTML view, delete the extra (strong) tag by changing:
(p)(strong)Marc’s Band(/strong)(strong)(br /)
(p)(strong)Marc’s Band(/strong)(br /)
3. Rejoice! Grab whichever child is closest and give them a hug.*
*Not if it isn’t one of your children, especially if you’re doing this on a mobile device while walking alone down a crowded Manhattan street during Outlaw Biker Gang Bring Your Daughter to Work Day.