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Selling Out? Cashing In? The Canadian Perpective…

Canadian publication “Globe and Mail” did a story about viral video: cashing in or cashing out. I’m mentioned a few times in the piece, and it’s an interesting exposition… Globetechology.com Jennifer Hollett takes on a variety of views about the appropriateness of sponsored ads. I was tickled to see Hollett digging up this old piece…

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Maybe Online Video Isn’t Just Staging Area for Wanna-Be Media Stars?

I found this quote interesting, as Liz Stowasky of the “Point Click and Go” show on Fox.com interviewed Michael Buckley (see video) from the WhatTheBuckShow. Stowasky asked Buckley about his plans for the future: “It’s so funny because whenever I do interviews they always seem disappointed when I kinda say I’m happy where I’m at….