Tag Archives: end

Video Secret: How to End Your SNL Skit

What was the best season of SNL you can recall? Wait let me ask it a different way: which of these years did you like best and why:

  • the Belushi years
  • Eddie Murphy
  • Dana Carvey
  • Chris Farley
  • Tina Fey

And why is it that 85% of the best potential comedy fail one one singular account? What’s the missing ingredient that could have made a funny bit a “Cowbell” moment? The fuckin’ ending. The same is true with speeches, movies, books, television, human interactions and online video.

Good people know how to start and carry a conversation. Great people know how and when to end one.

That ends today’s abbreviated lesson. But if you want to read one of my most important and stream-of-conciseness posts, click “more”

Continue reading Video Secret: How to End Your SNL Skit

Nostradamus, Dead Birds & Tips for Pending Apocalypse

I only had to read about one of the batch of dead birds to suspect Notradamus must have predicted this. But alas, it seems we’ve had a few (source: BBC):

  • 400 turtle doves were found dead in Faenza, Italy, in the days after New Year. Turtle doves, of course, refer to the Old and New Testament
  • In Arkansas town of Beebe, on New Year’s Eve, some 3,000 red-winged blackbirds fell to their deaths. These guys and their “iridescent black plumage holds the energies of mysticism and magic.”
  • Just a few days later dozens of jackdaws were found dead in a residential street in Falkoeping, Sweden. The Greeks held that Princes Arne was turned into one of these birds, forever seeking shiny things.

While there are no doubt some rational and scientific explanations, it’s just too easy to see this as an irrefutable apocalyptic warning here… common, people, especially with 2012 approaching.

Dr. No also predicted the BP Oil Spill (Associated Content, Yahoo):

“A great stench will come from Lausanne, but they will not know its origin, they will put out all people from distant places, fire seen in the sky, a foreign nation defeated.”

Famous “Damus” saw the coming of The Man With the Golden Voice (homeless guy), although clearly it wasn’t in his top-10 quotes:

“A man from poverty shall emerge to divine success, and make Kraft voiceovers.” (Okay I took some liberties with the interpretation of that).

NewsyVideo — a certain credible journalistic news source, as evidenced by the authentic news sounds and graphics — provides perspective about “the collective freakout” and the “real story.”

Some free, personally curated video collection for braving the pending imminent apocalypse:

  1. Subscribe to “Survice the Apocalypse,” and be sure to print out relevant posts on nuclear-proof paper ($5.99 a reim at Staples)
  2. Brush up on Zombies basics to prepare for attacks (see “Zombies in Plain English” video).
  3. Take a tip from “Bert the Turtle” and “dock and cover” (see 1950s educational film).
  4. Dawan and Joey can share family tips on emergencies and help you get that 72-hour kit ready.
  5. Irwin Redlener provided a Ted presentation with some nuclear survival tips. Skip ahead to 18 minutes to know where you should be standing relative to the bomb to avoid such uncomfortable side effects as acute radiation, heat, and vaporization. Avoid looking at the light, and get a mile away from the blast in the next 20 minutes.
  6. Don’t sweat the details. Apparently there’s a World to Come (see religious video).

Project for Awesomeness Helps End World Suck: YouTube Features Nerdfighters

Project Awesome gets recognized by YouTube editorsThe Vlogbrothers (Hank and John) helped orchestrate another “Project Awesome,” and I’m sad I missed participating. This thumbnail collection (right) is a collection of “Project 4 Awesome” videos, which are featured on YouTube’s homepage. Individual creators recognized a charity of their choice to help “end world suck.”

While I’m glad to see YouTube editors recognize this powerful grassroots movement, I’m far more struck by the image I saw 2 days ago. The most popular and highest-rated videos of December 18 were those created as part of this program.

The brothers didn’t need to feature the already popular Julia Nunes (Jaaaaaaa), but her “P4A/Office/Lupus” video was one of my favorites. First, I’m a huge fan. Second, you can see her sincerity and humility about asking viewers to help the Lupus foundation, even though a family member has Lupus. Third, she opens with the theme for my favorite television show since 1893 when TVs were invented. She’s going to knit a hat for the highest bidder on eBay (I awakened this morning, and grabbed my laptop, coffee and credit card… but alas, the bidding at $800 is past the Nalts price range).

John and Hank aren’t just interesting video creators, but very purposeful, intelligent and passionate. John’s an author, Hank a musician and more. And their viewers, who proudly call themselves “nerdfighters,” rally not just around the brothers, but around the values they share… ending world suck and all.

Folks, this is social media at its finest, and so far from self promotion known by many on YouTube (including myself). However it makes these creators and channels more appealing. For instance, I’ve seen the Elevator Show and met Woody, but his appeal for MS made me realize he’s not just funny- but he has a heart. It prompted me to watch about 10 episodes of his show that I hadn’t yet seen.

It will be interesting to see how the “grazers” of YouTube (those who surf specific videos or scan the homepage) will respond… will they roll their eyes and return to hot babes and cats? Or will they help the Nerdfighters grow the army of awesomeness?

Two closing thoughts:

  1. There’s a lesson here. Sincerity is contagious as negativity.
  2. Kudos to this group, and those who participated by making videos or helping rate them to the top for greater awareness! Sorry I was not among you this year. Seems Alan forgot to remind me. 😉